Country: United States
Registered: October 2, 2017
Last post: July 17, 2018 at 3:45 PM
Posts: 26

I Have a two day pass I need to sell !! Is anyone interested ??

posted about 6 years ago

Sinatraa may actually be harder to trade with his contract.. I do agree getting fact for danteh or sinatraa could work for the shock though

posted about 7 years ago

LAG and their shiny new toy, look formidable. But the importance of their improvement wasn’t as evident to me until I glanced at the standings/schedule. Now with seemingly 9 competitive teams, I expect to see a lot more closely contested OW up and down the league with higher probabilities for upsets. Hopefully these major upsets turn to minor upsets as well. In stage 1, to me, we saw 7 competitive teams that were capable of all beating one another. Some more so than others. Dallas (not being included in that 7) was still intriguing and (also not included) LAG did have their moments but were inconsistent. With the small improvements we saw last night I feel like we’re up to 9 competitive teams, and other than maybe the shock for the time being, the entire league is on an upward trajectory. Pssh and the kill feed isn’t cluttered with rez any longer too. <3 stage 2

posted about 7 years ago

I’m not sure if this is the team to try it against but eventually I would love to see seagull on gengi/pharah just a little more and have effect back on tracer and see what the fuel would look like diving.. Dallas feels predictable.. sometimes maybe a quad tank on attack first point lunar we see from them.. and if we don’t see seagull on more projectile characters other than junkrat in this stage it makes me wonder if he’s working on his off tank.. his zarya isn’t far off OWL standard although zarya is pretty one dimensional, but if he levels up his DVa/roadhog it’ll give them more in game flexibility when aKm arrives. I’m definitely curious what hero pool seagull ends up playing as the year goes on.

posted about 7 years ago

Wouldn’t exactly be a ‘shock’ huh ? Am you implying nomy should watch his job

posted about 7 years ago

Agreed.. constantly saying what you were thinking and seeing.. they kept up with the pace so well

posted about 7 years ago

He was a monster

posted about 7 years ago

Altering placed at 2800

posted about 7 years ago

Shanghai is plat

posted about 7 years ago

nah you don’t asscioate the Browns with the Giants.. maybe the bengals weren’t the best analogy.. but that matchup has bored me to death for years

posted about 7 years ago

Browns vs bengals
Trump vs Hilary

posted about 7 years ago

What do you realistically think the Dragons ceiling is ? For me it’s top 6 finish and a quick exit in the playoffs. Just curious, what your thoughts are, sounds like you have more insight on the Chinese scene than me. Although I will agree undead and Diya are sick.

posted about 7 years ago

1) Dynasty
3) Spitfire
——————— Tier 1
4) Valiant
5) Fuel
——————— Tier 2
6) Fusion
7) Outlaws
8) Uprising
——————— Tier 3
9) Gladiators
10) Shock
11) Mayhem
——————— Tier 4
12) Dragons
——————— Tier 5

(Disclaimer these tiers are separated by thin margins)

  • I’m feeling particularly confident about the first two teams.
  • Spitfire is loaded, of course, but has their questions of chemistry. Regardless I think they’ll beat up on inferior competition and have one of the highest ceilings of any team.
  • Just a feeling Fuel don’t meet everyone’s expectations in the standings. partially because I think LA Valiant will be real strong, I’ll make a bold prediction and have them finish in front of DF (cheering for Dallas btw). As a whole, the Fuel, are super versatile, innvovative and talented. I still expect periods of dominance and they easily have one of the highest floors of any team.
  • The outlaws and fusion, will be tough to beat. I like their depth and Houston’s logo just has me believing.
  • not a popular decision in the community having uprising so high, comparatively speaking. But their red flags, IMO, don’t outweigh some of the other teams issues and I think they surprise a touch.
  • gladiators and mayhem just lack depth and with how long the season is, and how volatile overwatch can be, I expect some bumps in the road. But again thin margins between these tiers. The shock scare me for other reasons, no sinatraa or super yet, I know there are some big egos otherwise.
  • Dragons aren’t real
posted about 7 years ago

Tier 1 Canadian

posted about 7 years ago

I’m going to counter argue my own post, you say quality is important, but you mention OWWC, who was the MVP of this tournament? No further questions.

posted about 7 years ago

You don’t have to look back further than this past OWWC. The meta wasn’t favorable for really either team but especially Korea. The H2H matchup speaks for itself. Envy’s core and also rogue have sustained success for a long period of time but it’s more complicated than just they’ve won more tournaments. Winning at the highest level carries the most weight to me and even that is subjective, but regardless my vote is still in Korea.

posted about 7 years ago

The debate of who is the best individual is always hard to quantify.. so it got me to thinking who has had the most decorated overwatch career. Even what I’m prosposing walks a gray line. Do you value two apex championships more than a $150K contract? I’m curious if there are differing opinions on the matter.

The current Seoul Dynasty core that played on both OWWC teams, Imo, have the most decorated career. (Zunba, jehong, Tobi and kind of puts Miro in his own tier)

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah thats my first assumption too.. which would be cool.. but I have higher hopes. That and additional events is what I’m hoping for.

posted about 7 years ago

..So the rest of my post was cutoff but to continue..

An ‘aim off’ between some of our favorite hitscan or even projectile players.. imagine a Winston high jump!? I’m just spit-balling of course, but I mainly wanna see everyone’s ideas.. I’m also interested in potential all star lineups.. and it may just be the all stars (however they are chosen) playing some of the game modes we are familiar with.. feel free to speculate with me.

(Enlighten me if there have been specific details linked to the event)

posted about 7 years ago

One little note on OWL I’m gitty about is the ‘all star weekend.’ As a sports fan i get let down annually during all star events, besides the new Home run derbry, nothing is worth watching imo. Some of the lack in competitiveness comes from the risk in injury and the played out nature of these events (among other things but that’s besides the point). These won’t be issues, but my goal was just to get the hype train rolling on this event and speculate on what we may see.. I’m assuming some sort of pacific v Atlantic all star match.. but individual events are what really get me excited. Possibilities are endless.. 1 v 1 tracer tourney

posted about 7 years ago

Maybe he should just change his handle to two syllables

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah I was swapping as you posted.. stitch will certainly do

posted about 7 years ago


Stitch (dps) KOREA
Dafran (dps) DENMARK
FCTFCTN (main tank) USA
Lateyoung (off tank) CHINA
Roolf (flex support) CANADA
Adam (main support) USA


Mangachu (dps) CANADA
ArHaN (dps) KOREA
Zappis(off tank) FINLAND
Knoxxx (main tank/support) FRANCE
Greyy (flex support) PORTUGAL
Zhufanjun (main support) CHINA

Hard leaving aKm off the roster but dafran can solider a touch better, can play tracer (if stitch was needed elsewhere) and although aKm can play pharah and I like his Mccree more than dafran, its not by much at all. Aetar or Jaru were interesting, Leave from MY was also worth considering being his deep hero pool. I’ve seen Fischer carry. Kruise, Zombs and Davin are all sick too. No one mentioned AKTM from Japan and I really haven’t seen much of him, he’s nasty. But the bench dps are a bit of specialist with the luxury of 12 men rosters (and no budget for my hypothetical team)

Tempted to put reinforce on. tonic or mowzaza may both be better options off the bench at main tank but Knoxxx’s flex into support gets him on the roster . no one builds gravs like lateyoung. Finnsi is a great offtank. Harbleu, gods and tseini are better known for their dps but can offtank. but to me Zappis may be the most well rounded off tank lft In OWL.

One of the best mercy’s in the world, one of the best zenyattas, it seems to be a pretty common support duo on this thread and for good reason. Greyy gets on because his sombra play and his ability to zenyatta also. Lucid was an option or even winz for his Lúcio, Dante is an interesting support but zhufanjun gets the nod for his much needed Anna play.

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah the bland white is a thing.. you aren’t crazy but it’s a little better to watch. I still don’t think it’s enough to convert non watchers yet

posted about 7 years ago

No one has a better track record of having sustain with their games than blizzard.. esports is still a new concept but there is no avoiding its eventual mainstream popularity.. Companies that churn out money and have done sponsorships with sports, like Intel, clearly pair nicely and although the bottom line is still their ultimate goal, being a driving force as a pioneer in esports is definitely a motivation too. ‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’ “-Wayne Gretzky” - michael Scott

posted about 7 years ago

Jaru makes a statement.. quietly one of the better difference makers not in OWL. I think matches will be close (it won’t be GC_B vs. KDP or EnV vs. Anyone one in NA) but envision won’t drop a map.

posted about 7 years ago