Country: England
Registered: November 10, 2015
Last post: November 4, 2016 at 5:09 PM
Posts: 15

I'm not sure what to think of the fact that Sombra just kinda has a whole bunch of very important mechanics which aren't mentioned at all on her PlayOverwatch hero page.

Her wallhacks passive - a very significant part of her kit - completely unmentioned. The fact that hacking healthpacks makes them spawn faster - completely unmentioned. The fact that hack shows enemy ult status - unmentioned and unshown.

For a developer so interested in expanding their eSports scene, having such large parts of a hero's skillset - particularly an entirely new hero - go totally unmentioned on the page intended to explain that hero to new players puts a greater burden on casters to explain the mechanics that Blizzard inexplicably haven't.

Cool hero design, though. Healthpack hack lasting 60 seconds PLUS being able to refresh the duration smacks of being too much, especially for an ability you can use on multiple healthpacks at a time. Same with her wallhack activation percentage being as high as 50% when the rest of her kit is already so strong. Feels like a hero who in her current state has a little too much in her kit for how good that kit is, or vice-versa. Looking forward to playing her on PTR.

posted about 8 years ago

If anyone's playing her on PTR: best way I've found to maximize the damage you do to someone who you've slept when you wake them is to get right next to them and mash shoot -> melee -> grenade in that order as fast as possible, if you do it fast enough you won't see the melee animation between shooting and throwing but the melee damage will still apply (on the practice range, anyway). You also of course get the heal+buff from the point-blank grenade which is nice.

I dunno exactly how the process of them "getting up" works yet, whether a Tracer can recall midway through the combo if she's spamming the button or if a McCree can interrupt it with flash etc, but for other heroes if you shoot once -> dart -> the combo it seems to kill 200 health targets from full.

posted about 8 years ago

Hero limits would be an easy short-term fix to some of the current powerful team compositions but it's far too early to definitively call them "necessary". Blizzard still have a chance to try and balance the game around no hero limits and they should absolutely take that chance before jumping to extremes.

If we were a year or two and umpteen balance patches into official release and there were still problems with class-stacking cheese dominating the high-level meta, I'd be more inclined to agree with class limits being potentially needed. As it is, we're less than a month and zero balance patches into official release. There's no need to damn Blizzard's ability to balance the game they've presented to us this quickly.

posted about 8 years ago

To clarify, the full roster of Melty eSports Club is:


Also, G2 seem to be no longer playing with Flippy, Tek or Schocky.Their new roster as far as I'm aware is:

TBA (they're still trialing people for this last support spot as far as I know; most recently they were playing officials with Vonethil and have since trialed TviQ)

posted about 9 years ago

I may be imagining things or playing on a strange connection but playing around with this further, there actually seems to be a noticeable audio cue for the "correct" timing of the jump. Firing the rockets at your feet has a noticeable "boom-BAM" delay between the sound of the rocket being fired and the sound of it hitting the ground; I've had the most consistent success and gotten the most consistent momentum/distance timing my jump roughly with the 2nd explosion sound rather than just mashing RMB-space. Again, could just be me.

posted about 9 years ago

I will say after a lot of playing around with this - unless I'm just bad the timing is pretty strange compared to rocket jumping as we know it and it can sometimes be a bit finicky. Still really good fun and incredibly useful though, having a great time searching for jumps on King's Row.

posted about 9 years ago

EDIT: Gonna start turning this first post of the thread into a megapost for all of Rastsy's helix jumping videos, found on his channel here - he's contributing a huge amount to this and putting a lot of effort in, show him some love!

Found on Reddit, some really interesting jumps that 76 can do with his Helix rockets + sprint for only 40 HP to get to some spots he can't otherwise get to - the guy's only covered Hanamura so far. Jumping with 76's rockets somehow never occurred to me at all, I feel like a kid in a candy shop knowing about this now, so many cool jumps and spots left to be found. It's probably unintentional but if Blizz were planning to leave Pharah's ramp-hover in until they found it significantly breaking map balance I'm sure they'll leave in a neat and potentially very situationally useful trick like this.

All of Rastsy's tutorials and map-specific compilations:

General Helix Jumping + sprint jumping tutorial:



posted about 9 years ago

Yeah the sun on Gibraltar is ridiculous, especially trying to defend last and deal with people up top, the sun is just blinding - shooting down a Pharah is a shitload harder when you can barely see her

posted about 9 years ago

I love the concept of the Bastion and Torbjorn changes, especially Bastion - that hero actually looks super fun to play now


posted about 9 years ago

oh shit

Now THAT is cool, definitely well-deserved by Hubris with the results they were consistently posting up before the beta went on break. Looking forward to seeing what this team can do moving forward.

posted about 9 years ago

Another challenger approaches

Full roster minus one coming to the org, klanton no longer playing with this team apparently, he posted in the Reddit thread elaborating on the situation:

"We had an internal discussion whether I should keep playing in the team or not. We mutually agreed that I would step down for now. I'm still going to play but it's not deccided where and who I'm going to play with as for now." source

Doesn't seem to be any indication of who will be stepping in to fill his shoes.

Makes some degree of sense as a move I suppose, SK have of course had experience and success with an all-Swedish lineup before in 1.6 and I'd think the other big orgs that will be on the hunt for Swedish/Scandinavian teams (e.g. NiP, Alliance) can easily afford to wait for the scene to settle down and establish itself, see if expanding into Overwatch is something they wish to do and then cherry pick their own rosters if they want them; I doubt contract buyouts would be any real issue for NiP or GoodGame if it came down to it. Considering their org hasn't really had much properly notable success in recent times I'd imagine SK don't really have the same luxury, could be wrong of course.

Still, fun to see an old-school name like SK jumping into the mix so early on.

posted about 9 years ago

Hoping the new game mode is something simple, solid and well-polished rather than anything too gimmicky, personally. Something like a nice basic KotH. It'd be cool to have all kinds of fun gimmicky gamemodes later down the line if that's a road they want to go down but I think getting stuff like KotH in should be a higher priority this early on to give a good selection of competitively-viable maps.

Great to see a statement of any kind though regardless of what it ends up being.

posted about 9 years ago

Yep, it's happening.

Thoughts on making a move like this so early on?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great forward thinking by Blizz to have all this in place as soon as possible but this might be jumping the bloody gun somewhat when there are still so many factors within the game which, arguably, are problems from a competitive perspective and which they're getting community backlash over. (FoV, lack of proper scoreboard/killfeed, the 20-tick servers if this issue is really on the scale people are suggesting though someone on the OW subreddit made a very well-put-together post explaining why it may not be)

Though with that said, as an aside - people who have the beta and have played the game in a competitive setting, how big have the scoreboard, killfeed and FoV issues people have been complaining about actually been? Would be interested to hear thoughts on this now that there are some people with some early degree of competitive OW experience.

I'm a little torn on Blizzard's approach to Overwatch as an eSport but hey, hope for the best I suppose.

posted about 9 years ago

It's definitely between Lucio and IT'S HAIGH NOOWN

[size=10]some1 call the undertaker[/size]

posted about 9 years ago


gib beta pls blizzard

posted about 9 years ago