I'm not sure what to think of the fact that Sombra just kinda has a whole bunch of very important mechanics which aren't mentioned at all on her PlayOverwatch hero page.
Her wallhacks passive - a very significant part of her kit - completely unmentioned. The fact that hacking healthpacks makes them spawn faster - completely unmentioned. The fact that hack shows enemy ult status - unmentioned and unshown.
For a developer so interested in expanding their eSports scene, having such large parts of a hero's skillset - particularly an entirely new hero - go totally unmentioned on the page intended to explain that hero to new players puts a greater burden on casters to explain the mechanics that Blizzard inexplicably haven't.
Cool hero design, though. Healthpack hack lasting 60 seconds PLUS being able to refresh the duration smacks of being too much, especially for an ability you can use on multiple healthpacks at a time. Same with her wallhack activation percentage being as high as 50% when the rest of her kit is already so strong. Feels like a hero who in her current state has a little too much in her kit for how good that kit is, or vice-versa. Looking forward to playing her on PTR.