Country: United States
Registered: November 1, 2015
Last post: May 2, 2017 at 12:01 PM
Posts: 6

Not sure. The /r/Overwatch one? I just joined that by looking up "OW Discord". Surprised I missed it before.

posted about 7 years ago

Bump, actively looking for any and all opportunities again.

P.S. If anyone knows any good Discords to join to find a team or work, lemme know. I'm not at all in the know on those kind of resources.

posted about 7 years ago

You mentioned squid on Denial, what about zza? Pretty sure that's the same guy that was nasty at kz and played with LondonCalling and co. in TF2.

posted about 7 years ago

Bump, could use more tryouts just to figure out what I want to do in the coming months.

posted about 8 years ago

Hi. I'm back looking for a team as a support/DPS/flex player in that order of preference. My strongest heroes are easily zen, ana, soldier, lucio, mercy, mccree, genji, roadhog, Dva and zarya. I can play anything else with less consistent levels of success. I love teamwork. I wouldn't mind taking on any managerial, coaching responsibilities or anything of that sort for an existing team as well.

Also, if you care, my SR peak or whatever is 4380ish. I've been master or grandmaster for pretty much any given season across my three accounts, and top 500 on two of my accounts (unfortunately, never ended the season in top 500). Not a big fan of ranked, but I'm trying to grind it more and more.

Some background: I played TF2 competitively for the past two years and prior to that I played TFC competitively (STA, IGL, some UGC stuff in the early conception of UGC, etc) as well as L4D2 and SC2 (both with very limited success). I've been a leader or co-leader for most of the TF2 teams (including two in invite) I've been on (in 6v6), and you can check out my "history" in terms of ESEA at least here - I can't really speak much of my particular TF2 seasons, but to be brief, I have good communication skills and tend to be very dedicated on any team that I end up on.

Feel free to add me on BNet @ Vand#11589 or on steam here.

posted about 8 years ago


EDIT: Vand#11589 at the moment

Also, Vand#11332

posted about 9 years ago