Country: United States
Registered: July 19, 2016
Last post: January 30, 2017 at 4:26 PM
Posts: 4

Edit: No longer looking

We are an experienced team with a core 4 man roster having spent over 200hrs scrimming together. Would vastly prefer current season SR to be >3800.

It is imperative that you are receptive to criticism, and are capable of learning new things quickly. We are willing to work with almost any player as long as they put in effort and work with us.

Tryouts for flexdps would need to be proficient with genji, pharah, tracer, roadhog, zarya, and dva.

Tryouts for maintank would need to be proficient with reinhardt and winston.

If interested, add me on bnet Twitchy#1209, or steam at or feel free to reply here.

posted about 8 years ago

Had the pleasure of playing with him in cs for some time, as well as in early s1 overwatch. Lacha is an easy-going, highly dedicated player that brings a lighthearted morale boost to any team environment he becomes a part of. He possesses good raw aim, and the ability to learn quickly. Would do well on any team, given the time.

posted about 8 years ago

bump, still looking

posted about 8 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot change the title, but both roster and meta changes will most likely be happening, and our current support would likely be playing the mercy if she came back into meta. That being said, we are still looking for a support/flex player.

All of us have high-level competitive experience from other games, mostly tf2, with 3 of us placing 2nd in season 20 ESEA-Open together. We would largely prefer someone who has prior competitive experience in either overwatch or another game.

Beyond that, we are looking for someone who is receptive, vocal, can learn from their mistakes, and that doesn't crack under criticism. If you are dedicated and willing to improve, we are willing to work with you.

We aim to scrim/review every night from 8pm-11pm EST except friday, and will be participating in tournaments weekly once a 6 man roster is finalized.

current roster:
main tank: buschy
offtank/flex: duckistar
dps: twitchy
dps: timeless
support: drake
support: possibly you

If you are interested, post your battletag or send me a pm here to discuss further.

posted about 8 years ago