Country: United States
Registered: October 8, 2017
Last post: April 7, 2018 at 9:28 PM
Posts: 23

It's free until stage 4

posted about 6 years ago

Lol really? We're gonna make that a thing?

posted about 6 years ago

Crazy idea is make Arhan a zen and make him like a third dps the way NYXL has mad jjonak

posted about 6 years ago

Well it definitely makes sense to me for Custa to want to go to Valiant. Way better chance of actually winning some games with LAV.

posted about 6 years ago

Isn't Moth a main tank too?

posted about 6 years ago

I am going for Hou 3-2 with full bias. Without bias, Gladiators are looking like they have a strong edge over Houston right now, Gla 3-1.

posted about 6 years ago

They needed somebody to replace Zoe now that's she's leaving.

posted about 7 years ago

Houston another 4-0

posted about 7 years ago

After last nights match, I have to give it to Houston 3-2 with the caveat that linkzr has to play. Without him I think the Outlaws will be lucky to pull out a 3-2 Seo.

posted about 7 years ago

I just searched "xqc muma" and the Reddit post with the clips is first result.

posted about 7 years ago

Did we read the same article? They mention it in the fourth paragraph.

posted about 7 years ago

I do think it will be pretty match dependent. I could see the outlaws v nyxl match bring a high for tomorrow.

posted about 7 years ago

Apparently it will be the same revenue sharing for the skins as all other gear.

posted about 7 years ago

It seems like it takes a minute for the VODs to make it up to the site, but most of the games are now up. Heres the link.

posted about 7 years ago

Yes, yes please. I started trying to put my thumb over the score when I clicked on the game to not spoil it. It never worked very well unfortunately.

posted about 7 years ago

Where can I find a VOD?

posted about 7 years ago

I'm mostly a tank main but I also play hitscan and mercy/zen. I'm usually ranked somewhere in the golds. High was like 2550 last season. I'm also available most nights.

posted about 7 years ago

I suppose I thought of it a little differently with xQc because other than with team Canada we haven't really seen him in a big tourny, he has played it a lot in streams, and suddenly I felt like I saw a lot more Orisa in the meta than I had previously. While yes it is team play, we all know that xQc can have a dominating personality, for better or worse, on a team. Also, it's worth noting that I am basing this mostly on the World Cup. I hadn't seen the games with mangachu bringing Orisa to the forefront. Just thought it was an interesting thing I noticed.

posted about 7 years ago

I forgot to mention the important point that Orisa can deal damage, and use the important right click while having that shield up. Just furthering the potential of Orisa.

posted about 7 years ago

So Orisa has a 900 shield every 8 seconds which refills instantly, and Rein has a 2000 shield that only regens when not used. Meanwhile, Orisa can do damage. Now, Rein is mobile and Orisa isn't, but with an 8 second cooldown that isn't too insurmountable. Having watched a lot of recent streams and vods xQc seems to be the main tank to have realized Orisa's true potential. His 4 kill environmental kill in HulkTastic was a good example of this (I know it was a friendly, playful tourny, but it still showed some of Orisa's potential in other more serious games). Is xQc opening the way to a new Orisa based comp?

posted about 7 years ago

I came to Overwatch eSports just from playing the game a lot on PS4 originally. I knew of eSports form spending some time in Korea and watching Starcraft and assumed there would be some for Overwatch knowing Blizzard's reputation. From there I discovered twitch, and the larger eSports world. I personally played a lot of CS 1.6 and COD MW2 before taking a break from any video games. Now coming back and finding Twitch and etc., I've watched some CS:GO and COD games and they are so boring compared to OW. I think the fast pace, and constant action of OW makes it be by far the best FPS to watch. Now I have no experience with MOBAs and so I know nothing about LOL or DOTA2, but as to the extent my knowledge base goes, I don't see anything competing with OW for excitement or joy of watching.

Much of this comment was influence by watching the most recent "Through the Grapevine" episode. Thoughts?

posted about 7 years ago

I've been watching a lot of VOD's from the past few months, and it seems like whatever the korean style is becomes Meta, and I'm wondering if there is room for people to break out into their own meta's. Mostly, I was thinking about McCree and how he has fallen out of meta, but is still a very strong dps that can be be built around. Also, watching NV in Contenders with their various strategies made me think, maybe the way to beat KR isn't to join them, but to innovate past them. Thoughts?

posted about 7 years ago

Also, lots of traditional sports have two teams in the same city. LA has two basketball teams, and NY has had multiple baseball teams for years.

posted about 7 years ago