Country: United States
Registered: June 14, 2017
Last post: May 4, 2018 at 10:51 PM
Posts: 219
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Predicting a smooth sweep here for the doggos.

posted about 7 years ago

Overwatch is so unpredictable.

posted about 7 years ago

Think we should be seeing a 3-0 Rogue here -- as much as I think A6 has looked good as of late, and as good as a showing as they put up against FNRGFE, Rogue has the advantageous play style on A6. They play a very, not particularly cautious dive which I think Rogue will be able to tear apart with their superior DPS play. I think most of the maps will be relatively close, though.

posted about 7 years ago

"I believe the game is currently balanced. I don’t feel like there are any heroes who are way too strong to the point of breaking balance" - Jeff Kaplan

edit: shit #19 beat me to it

posted about 7 years ago

A really good starter from Tempo. I still think they'll drop the series but this gives me some serious hope for their future.

posted about 7 years ago

LGE is failing to adapt to the meta well, all there is to it. FeelsBadMan.

posted about 7 years ago

Would love to see nV win here after watching and rooting for them for the entire tournament. Unfortunately KDP looks to be doing quite well right now in the current meta, really amazing teamwork coming out of them as well. I'm going to have to go KDP 4-2 but I'm hoping nV can pull something out.

posted about 7 years ago

WhoRU or not, AFB has looked increasingly strong and the rest of LH has been running into a few issues. I'll admit they're much more likely to win with WhoRU, but I still think, WhoRU or no, 3-2 or 3-1 AFB.

posted about 7 years ago

lol yggp winning

posted about 7 years ago

Negative. They'll be on the Hanzo buff patch.

posted about 7 years ago

3-1 EnVyUs if they play like they did against Meta again (minus throwing rounds on torbjorn of course).

posted about 7 years ago

really good plays from EnVy, would've probably 3-0d if not for the mistakes made on Nepal. excited to see more from them

posted about 7 years ago

close game, Meta Athena 3-2 this time I think though.. all depends on whether EnVyUs picks up the slack this game and fights for it. got sloppy vs x6

posted about 7 years ago

lol 3-0 LH

posted about 7 years ago

AFB 3-0 I'd say, close on some maps though -- maybe a win for x6 on control

posted about 7 years ago

oh shit they're down janus now? 3-1 or 3-0 KDP for sure now

posted about 7 years ago
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