Country: Finland
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: June 29, 2017 at 10:20 PM
Posts: 37

LH 4-1 if they don't get Ilios. If they do it's 4-0. Heard it here first folks.

posted about 7 years ago

36-0 before L'Internethulque. 1-1 after Hulque :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

I wish they cut the kid some slack :--/ Dude literally has done nothing wrong.

posted about 8 years ago

Happy for my boy Jiri:3 Good to see Diggy interested in OW too!

posted about 8 years ago

I hope SG-1 gets picked up by a big organisation soon. They're all exceptional players and nice guys.

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

probably wanted to make the team eloboost people in OW so he could fund the team.

posted about 8 years ago

So happy for all of them and especially Kryw. Well deserved!

posted about 8 years ago

fucking 12 year olds? I need a screenshot of me saying this

posted about 8 years ago

sniper fun and interactive with a solid counter against her: just have a better widow player in your team )) kappa

posted about 8 years ago

Can't spell Taimou without aim

posted about 8 years ago

How can there be pros in beta when 99% of potential pros(including me) have no access??? I really hope Luminosity does the right thing and releases this roster immediately and holds public tryouts after the game is released...

posted about 8 years ago

Hey everyone, i'm overwhelmed by the amount of applications it's completely ridiculous hahaha. Thank you for all of them!

If you find your name within a span of 48 Hours in the list above it means that you are considered for the tryouts, I am sorry but I can't find the time answer to everyone personally! If you however didn't, don't feel sad, you gave it your best.

posted about 8 years ago

Actually fuck it, you can always see the active tryouts from my Discord channel!

ps. not sleeperoni atm

posted about 8 years ago

Hey folks!

Some of you may know me from my TF2 days, a few might recognize from CS and most will probably know me from OW alone. Anyway I'm not here to talk about how famous and amazing I am, i'm here to recruit you into my team.

Before anyone asks what happened with IDDQD and i've said this to a million people TL;DR: I like to press PTT while I whine about my own mistakes. I had a rough time in my real life blah blah blah, i'm annoying I know fuck you too.

So now that we have that cleared out here's what I need from you:

  1. You can submit me an informal application in whatever form you want as long as it's written in clear English. I also like people who put in the effort no matter what they do.
  2. Send it to me in Discord/Taimou or to my fake gmail: jokupostilaatikko@gmail.com or twatter @Ta1mou DM
  3. All it has to include is your competitive vidya experience and age, you can throw in some of your personal life shit if you feel like it, believe me it helps understanding people and their mindset. ps. I don't care if you were good in hello kitty online back in 1999
  4. Preferably don't have mental illnesses or daddy issues.
  5. A lot of trust.

What do you get:

  1. A leader who knows his stuff.
  2. You will get picked up and coached if I see potential in you.
  3. I'll probably make you laugh and cry at the same time. This is my specialty
  4. 6-12 long hours of feeling the need to kill yourself. Yes, daily. 7 Days a week.
  5. But trust me, in the end you will be a really fucking good videogamer.


EDITS: https://discord.gg/0smduCDG2mI7WXFy (this link will get you into my Discord channel so it's even easier to get the hang of me.)

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

Playing hitscan and moving in general feels so good man. Thanks obama

posted about 8 years ago

60cm/360~~ , 400dpi/15 ingame

posted about 9 years ago

Finally a weekend we can actually play on Kreygasm

posted about 9 years ago

I just happened to stumble upon these guys in Overwatch playing against them in scrims etc. and joined them after beta coming back up. They're top players from SC2, League, BLC, WoW and who knows what else and they are a very likeable bunch:-]

posted about 9 years ago

It's not the "no hero limits" the game is suffering from. It has more to do with the defense spawn being so close to the last objective and spawn times being very short, not that you couldn't play around them and the better team wouldn't win the game overall in stopwatch mode.
Also D.Va might need some balancing since she is very strong in the current meta, but we shouldn't be drawn into conclusions too fast.

4 Heavies 2 Medics in TF2 Comp? You really haven't played TF2 at all have you lol.

posted about 9 years ago

I'm in boyz

posted about 9 years ago

Sometimes I drop to 100-120 when I shake my mouse around rapidly. Otherwise pretty stable 150-155fps.
Running a i7-4790k @ 4.6GHz and Strix 970 OC'ed. Everything on low except render scale High. Certainly doesn't feel very optimized atm. They really should take the FPS cap off since I definitely shouldn't drop lower than 200fps at any time with this rig X_X

posted about 9 years ago

But it doesn't really tell you more than it'll be the end of the technical beta. What will happen afterwards? A new closed beta with big invitation waves for 6 months until open beta? This doesn't really encourage new players to try to get into the competitive scene.

This'll be Hearthstone and HoTS all over again my friend.

posted about 9 years ago


Is anyone else concerned what this will do to Overwatch? I assume those are US dates, but I really wish they were EU. So 6 months at minimum or a whole year? What the hell is Blizzard thinking if they want to establish this game as an esports title.

I otherwise wouldn't care but I've heard that Blizz is in talks with multiple organisations like Faceit, Dreamhack and all these big names to get tournaments going.
So what this means is that we're gonna circlejerk for a whole year in a beta environment, get a few decent size new streamers like Seagull and then the game will die. Or well not die but a very limited scene like in HoTS.

Please someone with contacts to Blizzard assure me that this game will be open beta by the end of this year.

posted about 9 years ago

I'll steal your org longas

posted about 9 years ago

The shield is really strong but can be broken by some spam. I value his tanking ability more since his ult tops him into 1k instantly and he can create a lot of space fast.
The lack of range and inconsistency of his melee doesn't put him into beyond broken tier. I'll be sure to put him into strong at the very least ,but i'll have to review my tier list anyway later on. I'm at my phone and can't edit;p

taimou boys

Good to see you too Jason:--) !

posted about 9 years ago

Taimou#2526 , no beta access.

posted about 9 years ago

Theres definetly more good heroes than bad ones imo

and thats a really good thing

I deffo agree with you man, it seems that tanks actually are much stronger than I thought at first. Seems that the meta will be 2 tanks, 2 DPS and 2 supports for now. You can easily run 3 tanks, 1 dps and 2 supports for some capture points when attacking.

Taimou hype! D:

Hello Admirable!:D Surprised to see me here?;p

posted about 9 years ago

Sounds fair to me. I really hope the beta testers do not forget that they're there to make the game as good as it possibly can be, and they get to have a small edge compared to others for such a small "price."

Yeah ults on the most played characters are hard to use, and most of the time just not worth it.

I wouldn't really care if they made it hideable. I'll still be able to show my sick skins to others eventhough I wouldn't see it myself. I just find the gun distracting me from being able to aim(And this comes from a guy who has played the counter-strike franchise for more than 13 years.)
Also the amount of people using hidden viewmodels would be small, and saying it gives an competitive edge is just really dumb as I see it as a preference.

EDIT: Made some changes in the first post.

posted about 9 years ago

Hahaha yeah, that's kinda the nature of mobas, especially LoL because of its meta revolved around nerfs on the champs and item changes. I played the game for 3 seasons and got to top 200 multiple times, but now that it's really really stale has less inviduality I don't enjoy the game anymore.

Yeah, it's a technical beta and balance shouldn't really be discussed. I wonder though how much do carnage and other TF2 players with beta access and blizz contacts give opinions about the game?

I think they really should give the option of hiding your weapon or at the least give the option to make the viewmodels smaller. I'll add this to my first post :-)

posted about 9 years ago

You used an interesting word there, you said "Niche". In a game that tries to force character swapping as a main mechanic of it, ideally you would want everyone to be "Niche" in a sense, no? Of course you can't make a character like 76 not "Okay" in literally every situation, but most of the characters people are complaining about have options in just about every situation. For example, you'd be hard pressed to tell me that any particular situation is bad for a Lucio pick. In the same sense, Mccree has insane sniping ability and the best(?) close range dueling? (Shoot everything, roll to reload, shoot everything again, stun if you need it). The characters that people are complaining about are the ones with too many options, which funny enough, is pretty common in the MOBA genre

Your last point is certainly 100% true. I really gave it a bit of thought after reading and you're right. Heroes that can fill any role are overpowered and have too much options (Like Elise in League of Legends back in S3 comes in mind first.)
Lucio is really damn strong. Literally no reason not to run him 100% of the time atm I agree.

Yeah maybe the word niche isn't good for this game since they want all to be used, but that might just make the game a bit too hard to watch for people that don't play/watch the game normally. I'm 50/50 on this.

PS. It's fine, i'm not used to the formatting either haha.

posted about 9 years ago

Can you explain why you think Widowmaker is "God tier"?
I'd also like to hear why you think Symmetra is "Okay tier".
Not saying you're wrong but I just want to hear your reasoning.

Widowmaker is godtier because of her ultimate that it's global range. It doesn't need widowmaker to be alive as long as she can activate it before dying. Her damage is way off the charts with spammable shots and more mobility than most classes. Her HP should be 150~~ AND her ult should end when she dies.

Symmetra on the other hand is really niche and can be used rather rarely and even then it's even more rare to see her being effective. I appreciate direct supporting ability or straight up DPS more than her easily dodgeable balls and stationary turrets that get destroyed by any damage.
The teleport alone won't make her go up in tiers.

I think it was seagull, who said that if they nerf McCree then Soldier76 would just replace him because they have about the same long range hitscan damage. McCree has higher output so he is more preferable for now. These tiers do not make much sense since some classes are stronger than others depending on the map/stage/team side. Winston in most cases > Widowmaker. Also according to your tiers pharah is stronger than soldier76 but the latter is her direct counter.

I think your frontline should be able to take care of Winston before he can reach Widowmaker. I get that the shield is really strong against her, but it can be destroyed in a matter of seconds with some focus fire. We can't really judge before seeing really high level teams playing high skilled Overwatch against each other.

S76 is a jack of all trades. He can't maintain high DPS long range because of his weapons spread. He's more of a close/mid range hero. And just because he's a counter to Pharah doesn't really mean he's better. I think he's midway Strong/God tier but not godly enough. Ult doesn't count.

I don't know what games you're watching where reinhardt or roadhog could be considered in the same tier as symmetra. In fact, that entire last part just seems like you didn't know where to put them, but I find it interesting that you put Hanzo so far above Sym when Sym can easily be much more effective.

I've watched streams for like 5 hours worth of gameplay. Not that much 6v6 except seagulls for like 30minutes. All of my views are basically assumptions made by me and should be taken with a grain of salt. I enjoy when people debate!

Hanzo has a massive skill ceiling, but I think he's getting outshined by hitscan heroes since you can't seriously think he'd be able to outdps something like a Mccree. But I deffo think he can outDPS a s76 in close range maps with chokes easily.
I just feel like Reinhardt and Roadhog will be the pub heroes, or they will serve a very niche role of pushing through small choke points/defending small choke points in really high level comp. Especially in the Temple of Anubis map where it's impossible to get in on the last point without a Reinhardt if you all don't play something with a flying/wallrunning ability, but in the end this is just bad map design imho.


It's really great that this thread sparks some discussion!

posted about 9 years ago

Hello everybody, first of all, I haven't played this game for a second. Not for a single second and as much as I hate people who suggest balance from only watching, I'm gonna perform the ultimate sin myself since I think I know enough about the game.
I also acknowledge it's just a technical beta and balance is not even close to top priority, but this is just a fun banter thread to vent my frustration of not having access.

Let's talk about the current heroes first. I've made a tierlist for 6s;

Beyond broken/Must have in every composition -tier

God tier

Strong tier

Good tier

Not really sure yet -tier

Meh tier

Balance change propositions:

  • Lower McCree's pistol damage to 50/55 per shot or at least make it have a massive damage fall off from mid to long range. Maybe even make Flashbang cooldown longer.
  • Reduce Widowmakers HP pool / Make her ult disappear if she dies.
  • Zarya's shield is maybe a bit too strong atm and might need adjusting.
  • Mercy's ult is global range atm. This might need adjusting in the future too.
  • Lucio is basically a core of every line-up atm. His ultimate is way too strong for the auras he provides. Scale his ultimate down.
  • Reapers shotguns do way too much damage from close range, but have a way too big of a damage falloff. A middleground should be found to this. (I do understand he's a flanking character, but it still feels a bit too extreme.)
  • TBA

Tier list changes i've made during this debate:

  • Named Okay tier into Not really sure -tier:D
  • Moved Lucio up to Broken tier from God tier
  • Moved Zarya up to God tier from Strong tier
  • TBA



Everybody can agree that the UI is way too massive and has a lot of stuff that you don't need. I'm not really suggesting to remove elements, but having an option to turn literally ANYTHING off would be so amazing.
We know Blizzard doesn't like very adjustable UI's, because they want everyone to see the same, but in this case they actually want it to be a massive FPS e-Sports title and they should listen to the community.


Stuff/Options that are a complete must and need to be added in the game

  • Killfeed! Absolutely essential for players but an absolute must for spectators!
  • Option to adjust the in-game music volume.
  • Option to make Widowmakers alt-fire to be toggle and not having to press it all the time.
  • Option to adjust the sensitivity while scoped.
  • Option to hide or atleast scale the viewmodels as the players like.


I'll edit this post later to add my thoughts of the maps and other topics, when I have the time. Thanks for reading!

posted about 9 years ago