Country: Brazil
Registered: January 6, 2017
Last post: March 2, 2017 at 8:10 AM
Posts: 2

Didn't know Hooey was brazilian. That's another one besides Snow in the pro scene.

posted about 7 years ago

PTR is nearly useless for doing balance. True balance problems can only be spotted after pros play a build seriously for weeks. For instance, Misfits won Dreamhack without D.Va; NIP played pretty OK doing the same. And even after the meta settled down, LW Red won IEM using dive comps on attack.

There's no policy change in the use of the PTR that could remedy this situation. Simply, balancing this game will require really good intuition. And no one -- i repeat, no one -- has yet this intuition of what works and what doesn't. It is obvious, with hindsight, that the Ana last nerf wasn't enough, but you can't really know it a priori.

posted about 7 years ago