Country: United States
Registered: October 25, 2017
Last post: May 26, 2019 at 3:40 PM
Posts: 10

Fingers crossed he goes on to work on the Rocket League pro scene and not Fortnite

posted about 5 years ago

Hope the T2 scene shapes up by the end of 2019. If not I don't know how long Overwatch will last as a titan of esports. Like there'll always be OWL but an esport is only as strong as its lower tier scene and right now OW leaves a lot to be desired.

posted about 6 years ago

Can't upvote for dark mode enough

posted about 6 years ago

Its the flag of Lebanon.

posted about 6 years ago

Sucks for RUI and Shanghai. Hope nothing but the best for everyone!

posted about 6 years ago

What is this "best of 5" BS?

posted about 7 years ago

I think it's less that trash talk is bad (I love trash talk and I think esports needs more of it) just that this should be a learning experience for everyone involved that maybe watch what you trash talk about. People who may have previously said whatever they want now have to understand that not everyone is cool with that and change accordingly. People may not like it, but unfortunately they either have to change how they act or accept being seen as a villain of sorts.

xQc probably isn't homophobic. He may be a spaz and doesn't think before he starts ranting but I don't think there's malcontent in his heart when he says things like this. I just see a dude who is really frustrated that his team isn't winning and that frustration lead to him saying something in the heat of the moment.

And just as and aside, reprimanding people for smaller offences doesn't water down responses when something bad happens for real. Just as long as the punishments are skewed accordingly to the crime.

posted about 7 years ago

Before I say anything, I haven't seen what he said so take that as you will. But if xQc did say something fucked up regarding Muma and his sexuality that is totally unacceptable and I'm glad he's benched. Homophobia doesn't have a place in any sport (or anywhere for that matter) and even if it was something said without thinking in a heated moment I hope everyone can learn from this. You are now a public figure and everything you say in public will be scrutinized. While you may not like that, its the fact of the matter, so hopefully xQc and everyone else in the OWL/esports as a whole will learn from this and think before speaking. Especially when speaking on things like someone's sexuality/race/gender, it never goes over well.

(edit) Watched the clip and its not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But again think before you speak, you're kind of a public figure now and people won't let that shit fly. Also hats off to Muma for the respectable and level headed response.

posted about 7 years ago

Man, I'm just excited for more pro OW!

posted about 7 years ago