Country: Canada
Registered: August 6, 2016
Last post: May 3, 2017 at 6:49 PM
Posts: 60
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Sideshow and Bren cast

British PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

Wnv is a Chinese org that won't let their Korean roster play in Apex.

On top of this, the players themselves are not Chinese, so they cannot play in the big Chinese league either

posted about 7 years ago

Yes. And the winner will most likey be 4th and have to play Selfless in the QFs lol

posted about 7 years ago

If I search for Hammers, I get three results in the search bar, but no way to tell what link is which. Maybe their should be, in brackets, the current team that each of the three rosters is on.
Something like:
Hammers (defunct)
Hammers (LG Evil)
Hammers (Current)

posted about 7 years ago

Thats a FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

Are their any big (relatively) Australian organizations?

posted about 7 years ago

We are getting NA vs EU though.


posted about 7 years ago

Envy is still in Korea, so they wont be in this. C9 has mendo and ryb in Sweden atm. Fnatic has never played in online cups since like pre Eleague

I dont think we will see any of these teams

posted about 7 years ago

has Ube ever been officially signed by LG? or is he still on a trial?

posted about 7 years ago

this song always comes to my mind when I see Runaway

posted about 7 years ago

Rogue, C9 and Fnatic are all in NA/back in NA now, really want to see IMT and LGE against these teams again

posted about 7 years ago

this is still 1.7, they are switching to 1.8 for group B afaik

posted about 7 years ago

It's weird to me that no other org could out bid LG for this promising roster.

posted about 7 years ago

I think the confusion stems from the different ways the flags are used. In EU the flags are used to denote the majority country the team is made up of, while in NA, everyone gets an American flag because they are in NA.
To me there are two ways to do this:

  1. Use only two flags: the US/CA flag and the EU flag to denote which servers each of the teams play on or..
  2. Use the majority country flag of the players on the team.

In Overwatch someone set a precedent with Envy that NA uses system 1, while EU still uses system 2.

personally I think using system 1 is better as it lets you more easily at a glance see which teams play against each other in online tournaments, which form a lot of the competition in OW atm.

Edit: It may also be a cultural thing that EU cares about the Nationality more, as EU is many different distinct groups while NA is really only one

posted about 7 years ago

Is anyone arguing that they're not European teams?

This seems to come from a place of EU pride and wanting to see the little EU and other EU country's flag next to the team in standings and fixtures, but is that really helpful? Is having the flags denoting the nationality of the players next to any of the teams helpful?

What would be good would be to have the regional flag next to the name of the tournament, to know where the tournament is being played. The flag of the teams doesn't really matter here. But in conversation and in casting and in talking about the players, I don't think anyone is calling Envy an American team except in times when they lose, or they are talking about their record 'back home' which would be NA, as their record in EU is now several months old.

posted about 7 years ago

prize pool being too small doesn't seem like a good reason not to go when its the only tournament thats been announced recently

posted about 7 years ago

i dont think nV is going to win this. but in good news the bracket is double elim, so its not do or die

posted about 7 years ago

Verbo should be the Canadian Lucio


edit: just realized 11 said this roster

posted about 7 years ago

The last day of Apex groups A+B was played on a tournament client, so I would assume the rest of Apex will be as well, and hopefully the next big LANs will be able to use it as well.

But we definitely need replays and resume from replay. Hopefully this is the next big thing they are working on now that their other big projects such as server browser and tournament client have been shipped.

posted about 7 years ago

that American flag beside Rogue tho

FeelsBadMan EU

posted about 8 years ago

Lui was playing with them in their first Carbon Series game

posted about 8 years ago

I don't think Enigma is playing for them. In the Arena $2400 tournament sign up page that's happening this weekend, they have Cypher playing with them

posted about 8 years ago

zombs wants that rematch bad

posted about 8 years ago

Just a thought, but one of the OGN Challenger teams was banned and kicked out of the league recently, and now eUnited is moving to Korea

could they be playing in the Challenger league? Kruise has a pretty big Korean following

posted about 8 years ago

So since they will be in Korea im guessing that they won't be playing in any EU or NA tournys soon then. hopefully there not in KR for too long

posted about 8 years ago

And bleu is French for blue, Rogues main language and colour

Rogue Harbleu Confirmed

posted about 8 years ago

this was a really cool tournament. A lot of clutch plays. Production was a little rough around the edges in the Swiss rounds, but overall really fun to watch

posted about 8 years ago

coL is in the Carbon series next week, I wonder what their roster is going to look like

posted about 8 years ago

TSM need to do some research before they jump in on teams jeez. They can not get away from controversies in OW

posted about 8 years ago

the king cobra tweet makes so much more sense now

posted about 8 years ago

dude read the article, he outlines very clearly why he chose IMT over C9. And take into account the time frame for this power ranking. Anything outside of this time frame carries very little to no weight

posted about 8 years ago

only gripe with this list is Meta Athena. is it just me or did they not impress so far in Apex? They beat MVP and BK who aren't top tier, and the only other thing they did was qualify.

posted about 8 years ago

did Reunited just want to prank us all in their first match? totally different look in this game

posted about 8 years ago

after seeing the new reunited, Im convinced that winghaven was the problem and the team is better for it

posted about 8 years ago

NiP has been around for a while. they are very good

posted about 8 years ago


they don't have a new name yet?

posted about 8 years ago

"Your aim's so bad your team took you off Winston to play Lucio"

posted about 8 years ago

there's a 3rd place match?

posted about 8 years ago

he had like 28k at one point

posted about 8 years ago

Snow (previously Method) is in this, playing for Keep Gaming

posted about 8 years ago

All while Seagull has 25k viewers

posted about 8 years ago

you sure thats not him reading Twitch chat? He was just doing that on stream

posted about 8 years ago

whats weirder is that hes not coaching C9

hes coaching Envy

posted about 8 years ago

The point is, if you haven't been following, or you don't have a favourite player, you now have a starting point to get into supporting and watching the game.

posted about 8 years ago

does this mean RIP to the teams competing right now?

posted about 8 years ago

wonder who Method will bring in to replace Roolf

posted about 8 years ago

Not Chinese Taipei? Chinese take down of incoming

posted about 8 years ago

To add to this, the Australian team is actually most of TempoStorm.AU. Only MuselK and one other are not from Tempo

posted about 8 years ago
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