Country: United States
Registered: January 19, 2018
Last post: July 14, 2019 at 12:45 PM
Posts: 10

He was on a nearly all korean roster that eventually kicked out every non-korean, which also didn't help mayhem win any of their games

posted about 5 years ago

They should have an option for triple dps for league since it favors dive comps, especially considering the previous dps buffs tanks will melt. Either way this sounds like a decent stop to goats, at least the matches will be way more fun to watch.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Remember when eqo squinted his eyes though? Man that guy was a menace. A real wolf in sheep's clothing. Quite a ruckus creator and team cohesion annihilator.

posted about 6 years ago

And i thought Brigitte was cancer. Thanks for stepping it up!

posted about 6 years ago

Well number one, they don't have a good main tank since Cocco can't dive and Taimou is not patient enough to be a tank player and obviously should be dps. Their dives are scattered in comparison, and effect heavily carries flanking since Taimou is not on dps anymore. They've tried experimenting since 1st stage and the steam dream meme didn't go as well as planned. xQc was an ok tank when he didn't get mobbed but he got perma-targeted by the desk and OWL and it became the typical american show scapegoat scenario. They need to get better team cohesion again like the florida mayhem did since they all clearly have talent and skill, they just need to relax and learn to execute their strats effectively while trusting each other. The other teams also know at this point who to focus to tilt the team in a way. Fortunately there's plenty of dps power in the team still, just not sustain or protection/protection strategies like learning when to peel or when to mass focus out of place dives.

posted about 6 years ago

None of you get the long con of opposite day on that W/L record. This game gets more hype than the current London and NYXL games.

posted about 6 years ago

Native New York players vs. Native London players! Let's go boys!

posted about 7 years ago

Hipsters trying to reddit their way out of a 0-9

posted about 7 years ago

Native London Team vs. Native Dallas Team. Good ol' All-british vs. All-American lineup! They don't make koreans like this no mo'! PogChamp WinkieFace monkaS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogChamp DansGame Cancer Cancer PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago