Country: United States
Registered: November 6, 2016
Last post: May 6, 2017 at 12:55 PM
Posts: 47

bren and sideshow DREAM casting team. all these nerds in chat complaining for zp + hex are straight up deaf

posted about 7 years ago

holy shit he actually gets through the N and the R, this is gold

posted about 8 years ago

Nope, its the screaming you make when you're trying to cover up the fact there are a total of 6 people in the crowd

posted about 8 years ago

A full hold with Symmetra and Torb. Never thought I'd see the day.

posted about 8 years ago

between dank pc, nutty monitor, adjustable arm and a table that electrically moves up and down, plus big markup since theyre not planning to sell to individuals, 7k is not a surprising figure

posted about 8 years ago

qualifiers are over before the 20th right? he'll be fiiiiine

posted about 8 years ago

I'm just waiting for a top team to have a 14 year old at the helm. Only a matter of time. Why am I not dropping out of college again?

posted about 8 years ago

Why do you have to keep putting those links in replies as opposed to adding them into the little stream box?

posted about 8 years ago

I'm glad they managed to play Mickie on something that wasn't Dva and still find some success. This should be a strong team even if the meta shifts further away from tanks. At least I hope so!

but lol I didn't even realize hastr0 had grabbed the mic

posted about 8 years ago

remember kids, NRG beat Faze just a week ago :)

i know it was online just let me have this

posted about 8 years ago

Sure it was a question that needed to be answered but I still don't think that was the time or place to ask it. Yeah I guess Mickie wouldn't have been crushed or anything but it still would have been incredibly awkward. Watching him stream it seems like he's built a nice dynamic between the rest of the team. If Taimou had had to say "well we still don't know, we're figuring things out" it would have been uncomfortable for both Goldenboy to follow up, and for Mickie who was I think was literally holding the trophy at the time. Not to mention what the reaction from the audience might have been; I don't know about in-person but I'm pretty sure Mickie won the hearts of everyone in chat about 3 seconds into his first appearance on camera.

There are a billion more appropriate questions to ask the winners of a big tournament. "How are you feeling?" "What were your thoughts going into that last game?" "Was that really as much of a roll as it looked?" Just anything besides "are you still planning to cut Mickie?"

posted about 8 years ago

I mean yes, but what if they didn't plan on keeping him? Or if they weren't sure yet? Putting Taimou on the spot like that right after that win pretty much forces him to say yes, and then you're baiting everyone crazy hard if they can't keep him for whatever reason.

I really hope it's true that Goldenboy confirmed it beforehand, but that didn't seem to be implied at all, both in the way the question was asked and in how Taimou responded. Plus I still think there were better questions to be asked, but that's the only one he went with.

posted about 8 years ago

Is it just me or was it incredibly disrespectful for Goldenboy to ask whether Envy was gonna keep Mickie on? I mean they just won MLG Vegas right after winning in Korea, probably cementing themselves as the best team in the world, and that's the question you ask? Not only that, but you're asking just one of the players on the team, with Mickie standing right there. I mean there's no doubt in my mind that the rest of Envy love Mickie right now, but that's just a question for another time and place.

posted about 8 years ago

It's either gonna be close, or it's gonna be an Envyus blowout.
Envy wins tho; they have no NA players.

posted about 8 years ago

when has this winston ever worked? they build a dive comp and then play it like they have a rein, i just dont get it

posted about 8 years ago

Every time NRG plays a different player is the problem. Yesterday it was Clockwork missing hooks, today it's Numlocked getting way too forward. And then there's times when a tank will die and NRG engages anyway. No way NRG winds up taking this if they keep playing it as loose as they have been.

clock is a boss on soldier and mcree tho, i wanna see more of that

also numlocked needs to get off winston, lawd please. i feel like that last push worked cuz liquid messed up, rein still woulda been better

posted about 8 years ago

Man I don't know what was up with the dude who was playing host yesterday. I think his name was Goldenboy? So many awkward pauses, jokes missing the mark, and just poor analysis.

Not only is the girl hosting today super hot, she's way more knowledgeable than the dude from yesterday and is directing the analysts with few hiccups. Here's hoping she stays on the desk for the rest of the day

posted about 8 years ago

these interviews give me reasons to cheer for teams that might actually win

thank you based sideshow, overgg is slammin

posted about 8 years ago

We sure this isn't gonna get streamed? Seems close enough to the Rise game it might be reasonable to broadcast.

posted about 8 years ago

I doubt Clockwork needs replacing, but they really need him to be practicing on everything that isn't Tracer. Let's be honest, he sucked on Roadhog, and both times he tried to play Tracer the rest of the team didn't have the versatility to play around him even when he was doing work. Whether that's because they're not capable of playing the heroes needed or because Clock is playing too unpredictably for his own team, I don't know, but the way this meta is shaping up he really needs to fill a deeper flex role.

posted about 8 years ago

holy lol that fucking quote

posted about 8 years ago

If we're going for the sports parallel, it's also illegal to use performance enhancing drugs. As long as the law specifically applies only to getting an unfair advantage in online games I don't see the problem.

posted about 8 years ago

The intro they had on stage was crazy bad. What was the point of building it up like that?

posted about 8 years ago

I guess I'm assuming about Korean law, but I know when we use Steam in the states you don't actually buy games, you just buy licences allowing you to play those games. Assuming it's the same elsewhere, using other game services--not hugely surprising they were able to outlaw making modifications to them.

otherwise i dont see why this is a bad thing

posted about 8 years ago

Sorry #7 I want to be hltv

wish granted

between sideshow interviews and admirable newsposts, this site is pretty dang baller

posted about 8 years ago

lmao wtf? So they're just on tilt 24/7 then. I mean they fucking started the game vs fnatic with weird comps. Jesus that might be more disappointing than Trump's cabinet picks

posted about 8 years ago

I'd really love to hear from their mouths the reasoning behind the comps they've been running. These are all really smart, mechanically inclined guys. It's impossible for me to believe they keep running Genji/Tracer because they're simply not skilled enough at the other heroes to do anything differently.

posted about 8 years ago

NRG with the dive defense???

posted about 8 years ago

The new Zen skin is legitimately terrifying. jesus christ blizzard

posted about 8 years ago

go nrg! give me an early christmas!

posted about 8 years ago

Yeah the Zarya was looking strong. Hard to count out that graviton.

I dunno about Pharah though, it seemed to me like she was a direct response to Col's composition. Very little hitscan, no Harb hooks; just very very little that could shut a Pharah down. I think if most teams continue to run Hog, 76, and Ana, Pharah is still unlikely to make more appearances in the near future.

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

Col > NRG

Randoms > Col

this is a bad sign lmao. i guess i recognize some of these names but this brand new team should not be winning.

posted about 8 years ago

Scott Smith bad maps are bad maps
Jan M. Jahnke And who defines that? Yes esports & pros need a choice (imo) but they are part of the game ecosystem too

i mean for fuck's sake is it really that hard to identify the people most knowledgeable at how to play your game

posted about 8 years ago

Enforced map diversity

I mean, even if you only get 3 maps picked regularly, that's more than games like LoL have. And OW gets more than 3 picked on the reg. No idea why map diversity is desirable.

Ensuring all game modes are showcased

Really, just see above. If a game mode isn't enjoyable for comp players, it needs to be fixed. If they need data from pros on how to fix it, they should ask for it, or host some kind of experimental cup, or something besides ruining people's expectations for preexisting cups.

Just because they can
dear sweet baby christ we're fucked

posted about 8 years ago

It's on ads right now, but the stream is pretty much crystal clear for me. Must be some quality control hidden somewhere in the chinese.

Oh my god there's an option to rotate the stream to any 90 degree angle. Get on your game Twitch, this is downright revolutionary.

posted about 8 years ago

Although we see different maps for fixtures in the same round, there is a method to the madness where each game in a series is tied to a specific game mode.

A method to accomplish... what, exactly?

posted about 8 years ago

Aaand they've revised the maps. Seriously, what is going on over there? The gamers ask for a draft, and instead they just rehash the exact same issue? Except now it's worse since the teams have less prep time. I guess they tried to adhere a little more closely to their guesses as to what the players want as opposed to which maps are prettiest, but at that point I don't see why they wouldn't just give the players input. I seriously doubt people watching competitive play are going to decide whether to buy the game based on how shiny the map is. It's not even like the other maps look that bad. Except for King's Row maybe? But they're now going to play KR 5 times, and even on the original plan they were gonna go for 4, so... what the fuck.

posted about 8 years ago

moobot bans people who say "lmao" in chat

can you say "worst stream ever?"

posted about 8 years ago

tournament to be cancelled, organizer runs off with the money

you heard it here first!

posted about 8 years ago

esports are good
esports are great
im getting flashbacks to i58

posted about 8 years ago

I really hope they make a statement about their thought process here. On some level I can understand trying out different tournament formats to see how things shake out, but the maps they picked... it's like they threw darts at a board.

posted about 8 years ago

It confused me seeing Dennia on support; I always remember seeing him go crazy on sniper. Hopefully he finds a team where he can really make some plays

posted about 8 years ago

I really wanted to watch this one :/ honestly we've seen nip v col on hollywood like 8 times now, just switch off

oh you meant all the games are gonna be played off stream. even better...

posted about 8 years ago