Country: United States
Registered: December 15, 2016
Last post: February 9, 2017 at 11:38 PM
Posts: 6

When will Draceus and Art1er strike gold again :(

posted about 8 years ago

I totally agree with small incremental patches and solve one problem at a time.
Timing is definitely the more crucial thing... What are these mid group stage patches and stuff...

posted about 8 years ago

"Made Hanzo more skill-based"

posted about 8 years ago

Some people are believing that Koreans are actually more skilled mechanically, simply because some well-known personalities brought up that Koreans also have a large competitive FPS scene.

However, the fact is, if you actually played with Koreans, or just compare top tier players, Korean players are simply not as good mechanically. It's quite an objective thing and people too easily get defensive.

posted about 8 years ago

Honestly I don't think Lelouch was cheating, but I couldn't care less if any of these people are toxic or not. It's totally irrelevant. Have you guys never watched normal sports? Everyone is toxic. Just don't let people get to you and win.

posted about 8 years ago

This could be a good change. Jin has always been quite a weak link in AF Blue in my opinion. The most memorable thing to me first time watching the team was some seriously questionable bubble usage from Jin's Zarya, and some really teammate-baiting positioning or ults from all his heroes.

posted about 8 years ago