Country: Austria
Registered: February 6, 2019
Last post: July 7, 2022 at 5:09 AM
Posts: 31

Getting reverse swept after starting the day with a 6 map win streak... what a heartbreaker

posted about 4 years ago

When you try to setup an EMP but step off the map

posted about 4 years ago

It's first to two like last month. I guess this is the only way they managed to stream all games of the season.

posted about 4 years ago

F :(

posted about 4 years ago

Aztac kinda popped in Korea. I hope he can reproduce that in NA

posted about 4 years ago

What do you mean? Classic Roadhog dive as we all miss it

posted about 4 years ago

carpe said winnable

posted about 4 years ago

thanks for the heads up!

posted about 5 years ago

Let's hope he will learn other heroes than until then

posted about 5 years ago

all of those are rumors though. We will know what happens to tizi on monday.

posted about 5 years ago is that enough?

posted about 5 years ago

He did post a lft when the league article originally showed him as free agent (which they later corrected to team option).
Here you go:

posted about 5 years ago

Only caught the last map but EM didn't really do great on that. Didn't expect to see them lose again so soon. Lucky it's still group stage.
Might be interesting considering we could see another roster play in the playoffs if people get signed to owl teams by that time.

posted about 5 years ago

3 teams advanced from each group. While the first seed got into upper bracket the second played the 3rd seed from the other group.

posted about 5 years ago

One one hand I am really happy about the additional competition but ping and time zones will be a huge problem....

posted about 5 years ago

Travel time, time to get people used to the new environment, teams get to vod review their enemies as good as it gets and maybe even give undecided fans the chance to get there last minute.

posted about 5 years ago

While Monte and Doa were casting the online broadcast Uber and MrX were casting for TV because of issues with ads on ABC. Somehow broadcast messed it up and switched up the channels as it seems.

posted about 5 years ago

The question is how much will he stay in the roster or just be a promotional figure

posted about 5 years ago

I think it's about displaying their logos instead of Country flags next to their name (as it's done for every team and player).

posted about 5 years ago

Is it really the League's fault when teams are unable to adapt? Shouldn't they be able to adapt properly as the best players at the game?

posted about 5 years ago

well they aren't on the patch yet and there might be another one before Stage 4 starts. He's definitely stronger but he's not really a goats or bunker counter so I doubt he'll be too prominent. In the end only time will tell...

posted about 5 years ago

Unfortunately there's not for trials...

posted about 5 years ago

F rip their win streak :(

posted about 5 years ago

And this was the day a new streak started.
31-1 btw :)

posted about 5 years ago

5 ringers and a dream!

posted about 5 years ago