Country: Mexico
Registered: October 31, 2016
Last post: March 17, 2018 at 8:44 PM
Posts: 58
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Boston, Shock, Gladiators and Mayhem improving, but it's seems Dallas and SHD are the only teams in the OWL that can't catch up with the rest of the teams.

4/4 is definitely going to be the match of the century to see who really is the bottom team of this league.

posted about 7 years ago

Came late because I forgot about the whole daylight savings...but it seems that Dallas was only able to take first point on Volskaya....nothing on Lijang...nothing on King's Row and nothing on Gibraltar..jesus.......

posted about 7 years ago

It seems Dallas starting slow is something that will never change.

posted about 7 years ago

Not complaining, but I think at this point I have heard the entire OST of Overwatch like 200 times already through out the whole tournament. Didn't know Hanamura had such good music at the beginning.

posted about 7 years ago

Ohhh, it's donated. Pretty cool, didn't know that. Thanks

posted about 7 years ago

I have always been curious to where that fine money goes to. Of course it's Blizzard, but what do they do with it? Is it an estimate on how much they lost in sponsors because of X event that happened? Is it just a universal amount for player misconduct or does it vary from case to case?

posted about 7 years ago

Go Nomy! :D

posted about 7 years ago

I'm still confident in Florida Mayhem on this match. I'm sure that they are going to do some sick 360° player swaps and they will crush Boston.
edit: Boo, Mayhem lost. They should have switch players.

posted about 7 years ago

gg to South Korea. Still kinda sad USA, France and South Korea ended up in the same bracket.

posted about 7 years ago

Good match. GG to Rogue. And gg at SK for winning the WC again. As much as I want to believe there's still a chance, I don't think there's a possibility now to stop them.

posted about 7 years ago

Considering how Gibrralter is going, yea it seems they stopped playing around.

posted about 7 years ago

And here I thought it was impossible to full hold SK after USA Hanamura match yesterday. They played really well against the bastion/Reinhardt combo.

posted about 7 years ago

I think we already knew the reason, or had an idea. Being it was a mix of teams thinking Rogue already had an OWL spot and by the time they knew Rogue wasn't going to be in the league many teams have already finalized their roster/already had enough hitscan DPS + the buyout was somewhat expensive.

I think the real mystery will be if he isn't signed mid season.

posted about 7 years ago

I do hope it's a tight match against France, but as KyKy said: This was one of best chances US or any other team had to beat SK. Now that SK advanced to the semis, they are able to study France, Sweden and Canada matches. They are going to be prepare for them tomorrow. So it's going to be hard.

posted about 7 years ago

The difference between Fl0w3r and Jake really showed in the last two maps. Sad to say that Jake's Pharah didn't make an impact on Oasis.

Kudos to Fl0w3r for carrying in the game, Coolmatt69 for consistently deleting Tobi with D.va, Adam being the better Mercy imo and Rawkus just clutching some QCQ and long distance kills with Zen. (He saved FCTFCTN's Orisa on Nepal from a flanking Saebyolbe and FCTFCTN didn't even noticed. That was really funny.)

edit: Messed up some names.

edit2: This is the clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/TentativeSpoopySandstormTriHard
After Fl0w3rs tire, I think he called to the team that FCTFCTN was low and Saeb came for the kill.

posted about 7 years ago

So the winner of this map wins the match?

edit: ...Interesting. So what happens if US wins this? It goes to a best of 7 then?

posted about 7 years ago

Ok, this is interesting now. This is the first time SK has dropped a map in this WC. I don't think they lost a map in the 2016 OWWC as well. It seems we got a good match ahead.

posted about 7 years ago

This is by far the best match yet for me. Considering how new Junkertown is, it was very nice to see how each team performed and countered the "El presidente" strat.

Goldenboy: "Junkertown, the home of bastion." I'm really happy that there's a map where Bastion is considered a good/logic pick.

edit: Also liked what uber said, it was indeed interesting seeing how each team changed up in the middle of the series.

posted about 7 years ago

Kinda funny that ever since Nomy was with Sodipop/IMT, he was never able to attend a LAN because of Visa issues and now it seems his visa issues have been resolved to the point that he is able to act as a stand it. Kinda excited now because I have reason to watch EU finals. xP Go Nomy!

posted about 7 years ago

I'm soo happy to see Nomy playing again! :D I can finally start using: "Go Nomy!" again in tournaments! Yay!

posted about 7 years ago

I may be wrong, but if Faze wins 4-0 against Envision, FNRGFE wins Renegades 4-0 and Rogue wins against Envyus 3-2, then both Rogue and FNRGFE will got to the playoffs and Envision will be out.

All 3 teams will have 4 wins and 3 losses with Rogue at 17 MW, FNRGFE at 16 MW and Envision at 15 MW.

That is the only scenario I can think of it for both corndog and rogue going to LAN.

posted about 7 years ago

Harsha: I think this is finally the week where eUnited manages to overcome their losses and finally pull out a victory..


As stated earlier, Singularity is not an established roster by any means. If eUnited's teamwork is not up to snuff at this point in time, it never will be..


this is a must-win game for them and they'll do it against a team that has only existed for two weeks....


That's three strikes, three KO's. Brutal...

This is the only thing that I don't like about Overwatch E-sports and it is that teams are super inconsistent. With the exception of Envyus and some of the Korean teams, it seems that every team rises, performs well and then a patch comes, some times passes, they can't adapt to the new meta and it all goes down to hell.

I remember saying this 4 months ago and it still holds true:

The whole western scene in my own opinion, besides two or maybe three teams, looks very inconsistent at the moment. I may be wrong, but I think it was Jason Kaplan that said on a podcast that it seems every month there's a team that rises to the top, makes people talk about them been one of the best, making threads of "holy shit, x team is the best team in NA" and then suddenly disappearing or it simply falling down and replaced by another "upcoming great team".
It happened with Renegades at the NGE qualifiers...then Kungarna getting to the finals and disbanding...then Immortals.....then Hammers(now LG evil)....now Liquid...

After that, I think it went to Selfless, then Arc6 and then Rogue started to go down. I don't even like Envyus, but you can't deny that even though they have played only 3 matches after returning from Apex S3, they have been consistent regardless of which meta the game is currently at.

Also, don't get me wrong. Singularity played super well and congrats, but like Harsha said: this is a team that has only existed for two weeks.

14 days of potential practice WON against a team that has been scrimming, training, going to major tournaments for over 7 whole months. (1 year if you consider that 4 of their members where in the original team)

Like dammmm..and you can't deny it because Gilfrost, Sideshow, Reinforce, CommanderX, Mert, Scrubasaurus and Harsha all predicted eUnited to win.

I don't think they made a mistake because you would be dumb to bet against a team that has had 365+ days of experience against a team with only 14 days.

posted about 7 years ago

I think 6 months were more than enough time for me to waste. >

This is actually very fascinating to me. I'm well aware of the culture differences, how important education is for the eastern countries and how competitive they are, but it's very interesting how after living such experience, he would still think it was wasted time.

Very interesting.

posted about 7 years ago

So let me get this straight. FNRGFE, a team currently not sponsored that uses a corn dog logo just beat Rogue?

posted about 7 years ago

That 6-man rage quit on sync. I have never seen that before.

posted about 7 years ago

Not even close.
A C9 would have been if Arc6 had the advantage against Rogue in the very last seconds of the match and decide to leave the payload. THAT, is a C9.

This wasn't a C9. This was just XQC not getting to the cart in time to proc Overtime.

posted about 7 years ago

I like following players and not teams...... :( I'm sad to see Nomy benched.

posted about 7 years ago

mykl hitting them with a "nice try"....dam

Very happy to see Pookz again, btw.

posted about 7 years ago

Uuuuuuuu, that is interesting. With all the new upcoming teams forming and the lack of free agents in the scene, I wonder who Tempo is going to get and where will Mini go. I hope they can get a sixth member soon for all the upcoming tournaments.

Pretty excited for the match between Tempo and NRG. I wonder who will have the best trial member.

Edit: Ok...I just read what I wrote and instead of being just a joke, I sounded like a cynical asshole... I will leave it and you can downvote it but, the truth is, it's getting harder and harder to be interested in tournaments with the constant roster changes that happen every week. Makes matches glorified trial scrims.

Not to mention orgs stepping away from OW for the time being. Yes, I know that teams won't disband but, like roflgator said in the cow sub:

Org leaving doesnt mean the team is gone. It sucks that a lot of people are losing their jobs because of this. Lots of free agents around and chance to make awesome mixed rosters on the bright side. But a lot less time to practice when you make 0 income and probably have to find a side job.

Who knows..maybe it's just me.

posted about 7 years ago

Now the team that beat Liquid loses to Rise Nation. Loving it..

posted about 7 years ago

So TL lost?
The team that beat selfless?
One of the 3 teams that took a map off from Rogue? (Jesus, I can't believe taking a map from rogue is a thing now.)

I wish there was a VOD from the match. Either TL had a bad day or GFE played the match of their lives. Either way, these are the inconsistencies with the OW teams that I don't like.

posted about 7 years ago

A Mexican team! That's nice!
I don't recognize any :( except for Sapphire and LayerG from the OW world cup, I think.

posted about 7 years ago

I think Runaway lost to them in a previous OMM. I think Runaway only won once against LG evil on that MM. I could be wrong.

posted about 7 years ago

I feel that Selfless starts their matches at 100% and then, they ran out of stamina at the end. That said, I won't deny Liquid played very well today.

posted about 7 years ago

Whenever I see these type of comments, I always imagine the OP being this person:

posted about 7 years ago

I'm kinda sad not just because Seagull is leaving the active roster, but also because I think he is right on saying that the pro scene is at limbo right now. I must admit that even as a viewer, I have lost interest in tournaments recently. Sometimes I just open the front page of over.gg just to see what the score was instead of watching the whole match.

The whole western scene in my own opinion, besides two or maybe three teams, looks very inconsistent at the moment. I may be wrong, but I think it was Jason Kaplan that said on a podcast that it seems every month there's a team that rises to the top, makes people talk about them been one of the best, making threads of "holy shit, x team is the best team in NA" and then suddenly disappearing or it simply falling down and replaced by another "upcoming great team".
It happened with Renegades at the NGE qualifiers...then Kungarna getting to the finals and disbanding...then Immortals.....then Hammers(now LG evil)....now Liquid...

I know patches are a big part of this and I'm really not a big fan of having the mentality of: "UUUUUUUU new patch! I wonder what team will take the top spot now and which team will hit rock bottom now!"
Then we have subs replacing others in a team because of visa issues, ping issues, etc. There's also teams that like to play with tryouts, which I totally see their reasoning on giving them a chance to see how they perform at a tournament, but at the same time it makes tournament matches just glorified scrims for them.
The constant roster changes in a team: "Ohh no, we lost the grand finals by 1%..better change the whole team now!! :D" (exaggerating ofc) I think it was Monte that mentioned this is something that will change with the OWL because teams cannot continue changing their roster every time they start having problems.

All this together, I totally see why Seagull would prefer to wait for the OWL and focus on streaming. He already has a bigger audience than Moonmoon and dam, I can't even imagine the amount of money Moonmoon makes with 13k-15k subs plus all the donations.

I won't deny I'm sad that we won't be able to watch Seagull until the OWL, but I wish him the best and will await for his return. That said, I will still be rooting for Dummy, Numlocked, IDDQD, Harblue, Ajax and Mendo now.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't want Lunatic Hai's streak to end just now. I want it to continue and reach "Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar level". Sooooo, Runaway for me.

Yea, I'm not proud of myself for wanting that.

posted about 7 years ago

Wow. that game was insane. Selfless is not joking around.

posted about 8 years ago

Two fights took place when IMT was defending Anubis and they lost both of them. That was quick.

posted about 8 years ago

I giggle every time I hear the casters say the name "Meko" on stream...Am I the only immature spanish speaking that does this?

posted about 8 years ago

This is unreal and it ONLY happens to CoL. They seriously must be doing something unintentionally to trigger the crashes.

EDIT: #17 tabfan
They had 5 crashes on DreamHack I believe. 1 on Eichenwalde and 4 on Hollywood. Another crash .vs. Kungarna. This would be their 7th crash and 6th on Hollywood.

posted about 8 years ago

The stream was down and now we are back to the casters....did...did we just had a crash?....

posted about 8 years ago

Go Nomy!
EDIT:...yay....go Immortals...then..I guess... ._.

posted about 8 years ago

#11 They spoke about it in the interview with Dummy and again in the interview with Dummy and Numlocked. Basically Numlocked is the shot caller for the team fights and Enigmas was doing the rest of the shot calling. Taking care of the big picture with ult management/tracking.

posted about 8 years ago

Interesting that there's no sombra coming from CoL this time.
Could it be that Jkw was essential to make it work? Or maybe Liquid has already learned how to deal with her in scrims? Or maybe CoL just wants to avoid any type of curses?

Hmmm, who knows? but CoL looked weaker in that first map.
edit: or it could also be a possibility that Liquid played phenomenally.

posted about 8 years ago

That was a little scary with the first and second map, but yay! Immortals won :D

posted about 8 years ago

Immortals is looking good, but Liquid is also fighting back.

Completely unrelated, but I remember when Immortals were Sodipop and got stomped by NRG in the OW open qualifiers.
Even before the NRG roster/meta changes, NRG has always struggled against Liquid and they always have very close fights.

Seeing this match just shows how much Immortals has improved. (Not that it hasn't been mentioned before since they also beat C9 in the qualifiers for this tournament.)

As a fan of both NRG and Immortals, I hope we can get a rematch in the future.

Also..go Nomy!

EDIT: Yay! they won! :D

posted about 8 years ago

Why does this always happen to CoL? I seriously think Sombra has something to do with it since they are the only team that runs her.
edit: Although people say it has happened even without Sombra. I think CoL is just cursed. Seems the most logical and scientific reason.
lol #9 Memphisvon

posted about 8 years ago

I don't blame Ster for drawing doodles in the middle of the match since this, so far, has been one-sided.

posted about 8 years ago

when has this winston ever worked? they build a dive comp and then play it like they have a rein, i just dont get it

The worst part is that he is suppose to be the shot caller for the team fights. How can you shot call if you can't even stay alive.
He finally switched to Reinhardt for round 2 Nepal but I feel he did nothing. By the time he built his first ult, the point was already at 75%.

Why the fuck is numlocked tanking? Milo was their tank and he seemed to do better, when you're already maincalling why not just go lucio so you can focus on it better when you already have a tank that does the same role.
Clockwork if he continues playing like this

Milo personally asked to step down from tanking, that's why Numlocked is doing the tank job. The shot calling is done by Numlocked for team fights and Enigma for ult management/tracking.

posted about 8 years ago
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