Country: United States
Registered: October 31, 2017
Last post: March 28, 2018 at 2:08 PM
Posts: 10

Will stage 3 be running with Brigitte and all newest updates? I feel uncertain as she won't be in competitive play until next season (30 or so days).
-just another mei main who would love to not always play dive comp

posted about 6 years ago

Philly really brought some that game. The swaps on team comps was refreshing too. Not all standard dive :O

posted about 6 years ago

I feel like a lot of this is anti-dive efforts. Her instastun and heal are powerful counters to a winston leap or D.Va

posted about 6 years ago

Imagine the armor stacks, Doomfist can go up to almost 700 hp :O

posted about 6 years ago

Was I the only one that thought Flow3r was going to seoul? o.o

posted about 7 years ago

What Is Shanghai lacking? I know the Chinese scene isn't as developed as the KR or EU, but is it player pool? Hero pools? Decision-making? LAN experience?

posted about 7 years ago

Hello all!
I am a huge proponent of the OW community and love this website. I am curious if the statistics and numerical data from all the OWL games are being recorded and compiled? Is that something Blizzard is stockpiling? Are they displaying it somewhere that I am not aware of? Is it accessible at all?
I think it would be fascinating, as data supply increases, to be able to see hero pick rates, accuracy averages, damage/min average based on hero or player, comparisons, etc.
What do you guys think? Would that be a welcome addition to the website or just more number crunching that no one looks much at?

posted about 7 years ago

WhoRU and Alarm are definitely a good investment for philly. The zerg pick is interesting too

posted about 7 years ago