Country: Sweden
Registered: November 18, 2016
Last post: November 1, 2022 at 6:29 PM
Posts: 22

That's awesome! Looking forward to it :)

posted about 4 years ago


Any possibility we can get a night mode for over.gg just like vlr.gg? Both websites seems to be based on the same framework/look or how i should say it. Would help alot for some peoples eyes.

I know enigma answered "soon" on another thread on the same subject but that was over 2 years ago. Any updates?

posted about 4 years ago

EDIT: Alcohol does things to you, My comment suck.

posted about 5 years ago

I want to believe! Florida 3-2. Try to Apply some of that Gravy to the team this time around.

posted about 6 years ago

Seoul 3-1 if Fusions is playing for Boston this match.

posted about 6 years ago

Philly 3-1

posted about 6 years ago

I agree that i don't think Florida will win this match but take a map or two and then next week, with more practice time with Saya and Awesomeguy, they will be an even bigger threat. Saya had what? 2-3 days with them before the match against NYXL and he did great. Give aWesomeGuy some practice time and he will be a scary tank in OWL.

The synergy part about Florida is always concerning to me. Before Saya/aWesomeGuy, their dps duo seem to be doing fine(Logix stepping up big time, and TviQ going either close to APAC mode or "WTF is he doing!?"-mode). I don't want to say that their tank(Cwoosh/Manneten) and support(Zuppeh/Zebbosai) duos are bad but they seem to always have either a bad or a good day in terms of play and communication.

I didn't watch the whole match against NYXL, only the Route 66 map since i had nightshift at work(EUFeelsBadMan), but Zuppeh and Zebbo went both support ults at the same time alot while they were defending!? That's not ok! Things like that worries me for the team going forward in the stage/season.

They been a team for so long(Misfits) and they still can't get their shit together sometimes. Is everyone on Florida gonna have a good or a bad day before the match? PRACTICE CONSISTENCY you damn, wonderful dorks!!

... and play Zappis more since i love that guy!

posted about 6 years ago

They did hire an awesome guy for that!

posted about 7 years ago

Reverse sweep LETS GO!

posted about 7 years ago

FLM 3-2. Why? Because f**k it. Blyat man TviQ Pharah will give ryujehong nightmares.

posted about 7 years ago

Heart says 3-2 / 3-1 Mayhem, but brain says 4-0 / 3-1 Fuel.

posted about 7 years ago

Canada? Right now, it looks like this will be a rematch between Sweden and Australia.

EDIT: Welp, no rematch...

posted about 7 years ago

YES!! Nerves calming down... F**k the doubters! (Sorry UK!)

posted about 7 years ago

With the recent news i think the mentality of this C9 squad will probably at the bottom of the barrel OR they might perform at their very best to get noticed by owners of OWL teams and hopefully get a spot (if they don't already have one).

But i do think this might be a 3-1 or 3-2 to 123.

posted about 7 years ago

No EU prediction article?
EDIT: nvm, its up :)

posted about 7 years ago

He did. Over.gg just showing wrong info for now.

posted about 7 years ago

It would either be a close one or a stomp but in the end, i think LH will be the winner.

(Rooting for NV though! GOGO!)

posted about 8 years ago

Always enjoy reading these lenghty blogposts by Reinforce.

posted about 8 years ago

These links does not look safe. Can you explain why these are posted by you every now and then?

posted about 8 years ago