Country: Australia
Registered: November 2, 2015
Last post: April 20, 2016 at 7:02 PM
Posts: 7

The fact that you care enough to bump a 3 week old recruitment thread with such a stupid technicality is cringe

posted about 8 years ago

It's not something I'm gonna get into on a public forum. But I will say there is no bad blood between anyone, we just agreed to split ways now, rather than have issues in the future.

posted about 8 years ago

Former support player for code7, looking for a new team that is planning on playing this game professionally.

Playing for code7 we rose to be rated the 5th best team in the world by gosugamers power rankings, and 8th in gosugamers team rankings. I am looking for a team that has ambitions to being the best and want to put the most amount of time and effort to get there.

Here's my twitch channel which has my pov against some of the top teams:

If interested contact me through the discord.

posted about 8 years ago

I feel that she can straight out die to so many things without having too much of a chance to avoid it (due to what enigma said), it just means that her ability to be useful is just so much lower in a comp match. I don't think raising her health is the solution though, would make her way too strong in pubs I think.

posted about 9 years ago

I feel like this Bastion change is going to make it a lot less viable in pubs and pretty much won't see it anymore, which is fine with me.

RIP Zen, how am I going to get POTG now :<

posted about 9 years ago

Anyone know of any other teams entering interested in finding players? I would be keen to play in it if possible, but nobody else I know is in the beta yet...

posted about 9 years ago

Custardo#1247 (No Beta)

posted about 9 years ago