Country: United States
Registered: January 26, 2017
Last post: February 9, 2017 at 7:23 PM
Posts: 2

If they want to kick ajax for that, maybe some of these orgs should watch the streams of some of the players under their "brand." I don't think they'd like what they see. I feel like directly flaming teammates is worse than quoting a drunk streamer. That's just me though.

posted about 8 years ago

I also thought new roadhog was in a better place until I noticed that he could one shot zarya which seems unintended. One shotting reaper who is one of the main threats to roadhog is also a little questionable. I like the new hook, but I don't really like how easy it makes it to one shot anything with less than 500hp. I feel like the old post hook damage was much better as it took some focus fire or a perfect combo to kill things with more than 200hp. That being said I didn't hate the old hook mechanics that much either.

posted about 8 years ago