Country: United States
Registered: September 7, 2017
Last post: February 8, 2018 at 11:36 AM
Posts: 25

Seoul needs this match to assure playoffs. When the Koreans want something they study, they grind, and they win (against non-Koreans).

Seoul 3-1

posted about 7 years ago

I don't rely on people that much.
But I like people who try hard.

I was greedy and dumb but lots of events made me regret and helped me change myself.

Though mistakes don't disappear, I believe it would change by doing my best.

Because I am changing.

posted about 7 years ago

Possibly relevant tweet from EFFECT. Super vague tho...

posted about 7 years ago

More exciting than 4-0 OWL PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

Which mountain peak has DreamKazper been training on!?!? He looked like your everyday dps player in Tempo Storm and I would have never imagined him being so good on so many different dps in OWL.

posted about 7 years ago

The strats in this match are going to be next level. It'll probably come down to very small inefficiencies in ult value and ult economy. Watch out for the valk and trans timings, could be game changing here.

posted about 7 years ago

You really do like spitting out absurdness on every post huh.

posted about 7 years ago

If Taimou and Harry are ready to play, the Fuel anti-dive will be too strong. The new Fusion, playing a slower dive with Hotba, could be punished hard by a Taimou hog or good support positioning from the chips/harry duo.

However, without knowing who will be playing which maps for both teams its hard to predict...

3-1 Fuel

posted about 7 years ago

Junkrat seems to be playable on all 4 of these maps. Should be 4-0.

posted about 7 years ago

Mayhem just did another dancing introduction. 4-0 inc

posted about 7 years ago

I didn't say he was useless... He is obviously an extraordinarily skilled player but the coordination between him and fragi does not seem to be as sound and poko and fragi. If they want to make hotba the new starting dva, fusion needs more practice with him.

posted about 7 years ago

Although Hotba has been crushing the ladder recently, we know that OWL is more about teamwork than individual skill. I still feel like Poko is the better fit for Fusion.

posted about 7 years ago

Dream is actually insane on pharah!

posted about 7 years ago

After Boston showing the power of their dive against the Koreans, I think they can take this over Dallas.

3-1 Boston

posted about 7 years ago

I'm sure you have a wealth of professional psychiatric experience and have conducted a proper examination to make such a claim.

posted about 7 years ago

Made a bold prediction. Still downvoted... FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

Outlaws will once again answer the question: "Can junkrat be played on every map?"

posted about 7 years ago

Although they still have a perfect record, London has to be the weakest of the Koreans. Going 3-2 against the Valiant and dropping a map to the Shock shows that they can be beaten by mid-tier teams. Given that Boston has been grinding hard, this could go to a game 5.

posted about 7 years ago

It's depressing seeing the original APEX champions getting crushed by Koreans :( You were supposed to be our answer to them. The west's best hope is now jake's junkrat...

posted about 7 years ago

Alright here's the theory: Blank recently lost to Flash Wolves in a competitive 3-0. Flash wolves is way better than Vici who may be slightly better than Miracle Team One. Thus, by transitivity which definitely holds in esports, Blank wins...

Kappa I have no fucking idea.

posted about 7 years ago

GoldenBoy is going to die from a heart attack soon.

posted about 7 years ago

C9 basically bought laser kittenz, so there's no need to to keep the old logo. I know nothing about this business but I dont think c9 completely bought out KDP, it was some type of "partnership". Also the KDP brand is huge in KR and the fans would not have been happy if the new team was just c9 KR.

posted about 7 years ago

Mangachu can't carry ZachaFeed and Bot Primo while playing D.VA. Plz free him NRG.

posted about 7 years ago

Should be easy. Small chance of Miracle dropping a map, but very likely 2-0.

posted about 7 years ago