Country: Germany
Registered: November 2, 2016
Last post: December 29, 2017 at 12:06 PM
Posts: 6

mascots make me merry

posted about 7 years ago

Mighty AOD is way more justifiable to be top10 than X6 or Arc6, imo
Stating the "amount of games" as an issue is pretty incomprehensible as well: X6 had 3 games against high tier teams - won 1, lost the other two 0-3. AOD had two games against top-tier teams and one against a high tier team, won 1 and lost the other two 1-3 in rather impressive showings.
All in all thats 3 "important" games for both teams making it no better to put X6 on that list from a "amount of games" perspective.

posted about 7 years ago

The final could be a Bo5. Nothing concrete was said by Blizzard, but the schedule suggests so.

posted about 8 years ago

It was your wording that made the least sense because you said offline should not be counted

Oh god, I am sorry about that.

I personally do not believe that they are "LAN chokers" or could be branded as underperformers based on one result

I totally agree about the branding, but I think they definitely could be. At this point we simply do not know, the next few LANs will show.

for now I don't think it's reasonable to ignore the online games when there are a lot of them and many of the top teams have not got the same invites to the offline tournaments

That's a good point. I guess if you want to make a list right now you should consider online results. To be honest, I still struggle to see the necessity to have one now. Even though I think there some great ways to create storylines off of this, I do think that this ranking should be considered less than any future one which is more precise (because more 'real' tourneys have been played).
What I want to say is, I hope it will not get over-evaluated.

posted about 8 years ago

What I wanted to say with this example is not, that your list is false or NiP should be at 9th place or anything like that. I wanted to address the problems with considering online results and that in no way they should be considered, because they do not reflect how a team will perform in a real (online) tournament.
I admit that my wording might have been too harsh, though.
Please do not take this as an attack on your work. It is more like a constructive attempt to improve your future work.
Note that I could have gone to reddit and shit on you in 2 sentences, but I intentionally chose not to do this and think about the topic more thoroughly (once again, this is not an attack).

posted about 8 years ago

I think it is a crucial flaw, that online results are taken into account when creating those rankings. I admit that the data will be extremely limited when not doing so, but even then it is better to look at only a small amount of data than a big chunk that contains flaws. You do not want to judge someone who is learning to ride a bike on his attempts to ride a broken one.

As an example I want to take a look at NiP: Their results look great on paper, but once you take a closer look it all falls apart. In their online matches they consistently beat Misfits, which is also the only "big team" they consistently play and perform against. In their, admittedly only one, offline match against them they got taken out 3-1. Now that might be because NiP underperformed at that LAN or because Misfits had a one-off tournament. But the reason could also be that they are simply not performing on LAN and never will be. At this point we do not know and I think it is false to consider only their online matches to negate the possibility of them being 'onliners'.

That being said I appreciate the effort put into this, I hope to see another list in the future and I understand the difficulties, but if you think you need offline matches to prove your points I think it is just not the time to make a ranking like that.

Edit: One more thing I want to address is the description of this list being a ranking of the currently best teams. If that is what you really aimed for you do not need past results to validate your points at all. To me a ranking like that is subjectively arranged by the person/people behind it. And I am not saying that this is a bad thing, but I do think that what you tried to do is to create a list of the past, which personally, I am more interested in, because you can not really measure the presence and storylines only evolve around past performances in regards to the next big tournament.

So, I hope this all helps you to make the next Top 10 list a bit better.

posted about 8 years ago