Hangzhou Spark Hangzhou Spark OWL Rank #0 BERNAR Shin Se-won (신세원) off tank irony Kim Hyeong-woo (김형우) flex support Shy Zheng Yangjie (郑杨杰) dps AlphaYi Kim Joon (김준) dps guxue Xu Qiulin (徐秋林) tank superich Wu Gengtuo (吴梗拓) support assistant coach Sup7eme has announced his free agency.

Sup7eme joined the Spark in September last year as part of the team’s coaching staff and as one of the new expansion teams this season. Prior to that, he coached for Seven.

The Spark finished in the top four this season; they placed 4th in the regular season with a 18-10 record to qualify for the playoffs, and were later eliminated in the lower bracket to eventual champions San Francisco Shock.

The team wished him well on his next stop, indicating he will not return to the team.