Time for a confession

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You might have seen me in various match threads in the past posting about how happy I was that Houston were struggling or how good it is that Jake has been underperforming. However, I have a confession to make and I hope you guys will accept me, even with what I have to say.

You see deep down I've always thought that Jake is the best DPS in the world. His Junkrat is incredible for so many reasons: precision primary fire, delightful mine throws and my goodness me, his trap placement. He places traps like nobody else I have ever seen, so sneaky, so devilish, oo it makes my spine tingle just thinking about it. Do not even get me started on his RIP-Tires, have you even seen someone get as many kills with it as Jake? Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you Jake starts my engine, he pulls the chord and I'm all aboard ready and waiting to watch his magical touch.

Now his Tracer: okay sometimes he blows himself up with his own pulse bombs but when he does, he always takes someone down with him. I like to think that he plays so much Junkrat that he forgets he can do damage to himself with explosives. Have I mentioned how great his Junkrat is? Like damn son it's good, real good. His stage presence too, oh my golly gumdrops, the way he has the confidence to chew gum with his mouth open like that, I envy him. He just chews chews chews away like nobody is watching, truly the sign of a seasoned veteran.

Then there's the Outlaws themselves. So unlucky right? Blizzard just refuse to nerf Tracer and Houston are paying the price. They have so many talented DPS players and yet this ridiculous current patch demands a top tier Tracer player so they don't get to show their true potential. I've seen people saying Houston got lucky in stage 1 with the Mercy meta and that they're "one patch wonders" but I don't buy that for one second. Talking of stage 1 I can't believe how lucky London got in the playoff game, Houston deserved to win that hands down. No doubt they would have gone on to beat that truly average NYXL team in the final too. The Outlaws were Stage 1 winners in my heart.

Anyway I've gone on too long, I just wanted to share with you guys how I truly feel.


What day is it today?
In all seriousness I never got why people complain about Junkrat when Winston's gun literally auto-aims. Overwatch has never been a particularly difficult game.


When I was in the 8th grade one of my teachers told everyone in my class one of us had autism and he couldn’t tell us who because that person didn’t know and now at least once a month I lay awake at night wondering if I’m autistic and everyone is just treating me normal. I’m at an Italian restaurant with my parents right now and the waitress just asked me if I thought the Houston Outlaws could win with a junkrat one trick and for the millionth time in my life I said “J LUL K E” and I realized that in fact I am the one with autism.



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