1-9-17: OWL Skins/DF bug fixes 1-23-17: Blizzard World + cosmetics 1-30-17: Mercy/Junkrat changes
EQO looking sick.
Who is he?
Apparently he's from the EU ladder and Israeli OW World Cup team
Dude is pretty nutty but that's to be expected from someone playing Genji over Shadow
All I knew was that he was on Zen Gaming for a long time.
He was also recommend by their coach Hayes for the team
He also used to trial for compLexity before they disbanded.
Ah yes, the two most erratic teams. Only two weeks ago this match was a 4-0 for Boston, and now it's completely flipped.
I hope the meta shifts a little bit so we get to see the Fragi/Poko Rein/Zarya combo more in matches
Haven't seen the match, but was SDB injured/out for some reason, or simply replaced for the match? Anyway nutty player this Eqo!