Being bronze is harsh especially when u win rarely and the electricity goes off when u are wining
I used to coach a bronze-gold team for a short time, and what i learned was play: winston, torb and hog (and moira if you have to heal) they're wildy op on those lower ranks (especially hog if you have decent aim), yes even more op than brig (many low rank people lack the positioning/"intelligent" aggression Brig i know...)
poi98 [#2]Amen brother. I had the same problem on a couple of season...but in the end going offtank( best carry on bronze imho) i magaged to reach plat :D. The most important thing is to
dont get too frustated even if connection goes away. PMA is the key.
i actually can play dva well
Raisin [#5]From what limited experience I have of seeing gameplay at that level, is it not possible to just stomp everyone on Winston? It seems like Winston could punish a lot of the mistakes those players make.
Why would winston work? Not enough burst and you can't do anything from long range. is just so good, you can finish off low targets far away, you can micro missile targets down, you have a good team wipe ult and you can get a new life against bronze ppl who probably have trouble killing baby dvas.
Shun [#10]Why would winston work? Not enough burst and you can't do anything from long range. is just so good, you can finish off low targets far away, you can micro missile targets down, you have a good team wipe ult and you can get a new life against bronze ppl who probably have trouble killing baby dvas.
confirming that dva is the carry. any tank can do really well in bronze if you also shot call a bit in voice chat and just make sure the supports keep you up. peeling as dva messes with people in bronze too.
Shumrud [#8]I am training my tracer i am very good with mccree on deathmatch but comp is not as good as dm
Get a good genji as ur duo partner and u can play Ana and nano blade everytime to get grandmaster