Isurus Gaming Isurus Gaming Inactive Máximo Máximo Camacho tank ddx Alan Salvati support kaizak Sebastian Moreno support has announced their new roster for Contenders Season 2 South America.
Four players from last season's roster remain on the team: Klaus, Beast, ddx and kaizak. All but kaizak played on Argentina's World Cup team last year. That leaves the team with just three World Cup veterans, down from the six it began Contenders Season 1 with.
Joining them is valen from Black Dragons e-Sports and xRavaged from Nocturns Gaming. Analyst simon also moves from Nocturns to Isurus.
While the team also announced jhein to its roster, he has since left the team.
The team will play in Contenders South America, which begins July 5. It is unknown when Isurus will play their first match.
The roster of Isurus Gaming Isurus Gaming Inactive Máximo Máximo Camacho tank ddx Alan Salvati support kaizak Sebastian Moreno support is:
- Nicolas "Klaus" Ferrari (DPS)
- Valentín "valen" Ontivero (DPS)
- Julian "Beast" Lauandos (Flex)
- Juan "xRavaged" Diego Sander (Tank)
- Alan "ddx" Salvati (Support)
- Sebastian "kaizak" Moreno (Support)
- Simon "simon" Schumph (Analyst)
- Miguel "Bassoid" Oro (Assistant Coach)
- Jonathan "Jon" Tran (Head Coach)
- Yurivillar "Ornellas" Ornelas Faria (Manager)