Different SR system

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There is a lot of talk out there that you should only gain or lose SR based on whether you win or lose instead of the current individual performance based system. What if you could get a mix. Let’s say you get 20 points if you win regardless of your performance but in addition to that you would also get up to 20 more sr points based on your individual performance. This type of system would ecourage both team play and encourage players to try hard to get those additional sr points.


How would that at all encourage team play? That would just have more DPS in game to rack up those kills

LordOfHorns [#2]

How would that at all encourage team play? That would just have more DPS in game to rack up those kills

You would need team play in order to win. It would discourage not flexible players because they would lose points no matter how they performed


What you just described is literally what we have now. You get/lose a minimum amount of SR for winning/losing and it's modified by your performance.

The difference is that your suggestion would make the SR gain/loss variance even larger than it already is.


This is a big FailFish


Most systems have a flat amount for a win/loss (say 20) then a modifier based on the average differene between the rankings of the two players or teams.

So in Overwatch, if one team was ranked 3000 on average, and the other team was ranked 3100 on average, the higher team would get, say, 18 SR if they won, and the other team would get 22 SR if they won, as they were the underdogs.

All the time there is a possibility to alter the SR by individual performance, there will be more possibilities to game the system. I think Blizzard wanted to create a unique SR system, but at the end of the day, there tends to be a reason why things are done in a particular way

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