After trying switching some roles, we decided it was best with our initial lineup.
We are looking for 3 gamers-- 1 coach, 1 support flex (lucio/symmetra), and 1 tank/reinhardt main.
Our team's goal:
We as a team strive to be one of the best Overwatch teams in the scene. We plan on competing at LANs in the near future together. As well as gosu gamers and MLG.
General scrim times: Sun - Thurs 9est - 1130est. But we all are generally in discord before and after. Fri/Sat will be optional days; however we'll generally filter in and out playing other games together those days. Need to be flexible for weekend tournaments
Lux Gamers page - http://luxgamers.net/teams/lux-battle-cattle
We have the following lineup:
CHEERISS (team captain) - Off tank/ flex player ; primary heroes - winston/zarya/roadhog/torbjorn/reaper/soldier/phara/genji/bastion/diva/etc; Professional gamer since 2011. Captain/leader of SYOPS TF2 since S9 to S21 of ESEA IM playoff teams. Went to several lans- GXL and Intel LanFest Sacramento.
Wilson - support; primary hero - mercy; Started in CS 1.6 & played competitive Team Fortress 2 ESEA Open/IM.
Fifty - dps flex; primary heroes - tracer/phara/mcree/soldier/widowmaker; Professional Gamer since 2008. Competed in 22 different states, and 3 countries for Halo 3 MLG tournaments.
you - main tank ; primary heroes - reinhardt, winston, etc
you - support flex ; primary heroes: Lucio/symmetra/etc; Needs to be able to communicate well.**
Azilla- main dps flex ; primary heroes - widow/reaper/mcree/soldier/junkrat/etc (dps/defense)
coach**- 3rd person view of the team. Keeps up to date with meta. Can make practice times.
Traits that will help you fit in on the team:
-take and give criticism easily
-competitive background: sports, esports, etc
-thirst to compete and learn the meta (watching tournament vods, reading up on meta, etc)
-team mentality (How can I play better as a team to support my fellow players? How can I do what I need to do? Who do I need to support me?)
-more than likely 18+ (as most of us avg around 25 yoa)
-put in a minimum of 4 hours a night (a good chunk outside of scrims too)
Team goals:
- Compete in Gosu Gamers - http://www.gosugamers.net/overwatch/teams/16656-lux-e-sports
- Compete in MLG tournaments/ladders: http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/pc/overwatch/team/lux-e-sports
- Compete in ESL next month - http://www.eslgaming.com/article/esl-host-first-international-overwatch-competition-six-figure-prize-pool-gamescom-2016-2925
- Cover basic callouts for all maps
- Focus on our positioning and specific roles for all current maps
- Gain knowledge on quickly swaping heros based on competition's lineup
- Professional team with LuX after a month building up team with a full 6
- Compete in upcoming lan events
Team accomplishments:
- ONOG Operation Breakout tournament (15k prize pool) - tied for 9th place out of 145 teams; http://wiki.teamliquid.net/overwatch/One_Nation_of_Gamers/Operation_Breakout/Qualifier_2
Please contact me on Bnet - CHEERISS#1594 (I do have steam but dont look at it too much)