Former Overwatch League player
is joining
Lucky Future
Lucky Future
Rank #2
. Although the team has competed in Contenders China in the past, the current iteration of the team is competing in Contenders Korea.
LF.Gido는 서포트 기본기가 뛰어난 선수일 뿐 아니라 리그에서의 경험이 그의 날개가 되어 앞으로의 경기에서 뛰어난 활약을 해 줄 것이라, 팀이 더 좋은 성적을 거둘 수 있게 할 것이라 기대합니다!
— LuckyFutureOW (@lucky_ow) February 23, 2020
Gido is the seventh player to join the roster. While he was a DPS player before he joined the Overwatch League, he has played flex support for the past two years. Lucky Future has a player at every position, including at DPS and flex support.
Lucky Future is a Chinese organization that has traditionally competed in China. At times, they have had two Contenders team. At one point, they had an all-Chinese team and an all-Korean team. Their all-Korean team, Lucky Future Zenith, won the title in each of the first two seasons of Contenders China in 2018.
This current roster is all-Korean, but cannot compete in Contenders China due to China being the sole region where region-locking still applies. The team qualified for Contenders Trials Korea and will get a chance to play their way into the first tournament of Contenders Korea 2020 Season 1.
Their Contenders season begins in March.
Lucky Future
Lucky Future
Rank #2
- Jung "Sky" Hyeong-jin (정형진) (DPS)
- Lee "Rookie" Hang-yeol (이한결) (DPS)
- Choi "Creature" Yong-joon (최용준) (Off-tank)
- Lee "Pumple" Jeong-hoon (이정훈) (Tank)
- Lee "Agatha" Jung-soo (Flex Support)
- Mun "Gido" Gi-do (문기도) (Flex Support)
- Lee "Waffle" Sang-hyun (이상현) (Support)
Their coaches are: