French main support player dridro has announced his departure from Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support . He is now a free agent.

dridro first joined Samsung Morning Stars before the start of Contenders 2018 Season 3 in 2018. Prior to playing with the Morning Stars, he was a member of the Copenhagen Flames and Piece of Cake. Both rosters played earlier in 2018.

He was the only starter on the most recent Morning Stars roster to play with the team in previous Contenders seasons. Samsung Morning Stars finished in the top six of Contenders 2019 Season 2 to qualify for the season's playoffs. They broke a three-way tie for sixth place in the regular season standings by having one more map win than their competitors.

This marks the first time dridro is a free agent in 11 months.

Samsung Morning Star's next match is not currently scheduled. The next season of Contenders isn't until 2020.

The Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support are:

  • Adam "Khegasi" Benaouadi (DPS)
  • William "Asking" Vetter (DPS)
  • Théo "TEK36" Guillebaud (Off-tank)
  • Simon "Chubz" Vullo (Tank)
  • Owen "Slur" Warner (Flex Support)

The staff is: