Skyfoxes Skyfoxes Contenders NA Rank #0 Sargasm dps Atlas dps Faded tank Fallen support have announced their new roster for Contenders 2019 Season 2. The roster features the additions of Boostio , Attitude and Whoru , as well as the departure of F4zE . The team also added FR3E but dismissed him following accusations of sexual assault.

Shortly after FR3E joined Meta Skyfoxes as off-tank, he was accused of sexually assault. Meta Skyfoxes conducted an internal investigation and released the following statement:

After conducting an internal investigation, Meta Skyfoxes have mutually decided to part ways with FR3E.

While we believe that this matter should be handled by the appropriate authorities, we take all allegations of this nature very seriously and apologize to our fans and the Overwatch community.

Meta Skyfoxes does not and will never condone any form of sexual harassment or sexual assault.

FR3E announced on Twitter he was returning to Korea following his departure from Skyfoxes. He said a personal statement will come soon.

FR3E was brought in to replace former Skyfoxes off-tank F4ze. Currently, Meta Skyfoxes are without an off-tank and will need to add a new one.

Meta Skyfoxes' permanent additions are all DPS players. Attitude rejoins Meta Skyfoxes after making a brief departure from the team to play for LGE.Huya in NEXT Spring. Whoru rejoins Contenders North America as a whole after playing for Meta Athena for the first half of 2019. Boostio rejoins Contenders as a whole after making his last Contenders appearance in July of 2018 with Skyfoxes.

Meta Skyfoxes enter the season fresh off a top four finish in Contenders North America West. They will play in North America East this season.

Their first match is June 19 against Bermuda.

The current roster of Skyfoxes Skyfoxes Contenders NA Rank #0 Sargasm dps Atlas dps Faded tank Fallen support is:

  • Lee "Whoru" Seung-joon (이승준) (DPS)
  • Kelden "Boostio" Pupello (DPS)
  • Hwang "Attitude" Seokhyun (DPS)
  • James "Cloneman16" D'Arcangelo (Tank)
  • Anthony "Mac" Macintosh (Support)
  • Moon "Lastro" Jung-won (문정원) (Flex Support)

And their coaches are:

  • Kim "Mika" Young-jun (김영준) (Coach)
  • Jacob "jcb" Thostrup (Coach)

This article will be updated when FR3E releases his personal statement.