Israeli DPS player KAFEEEEE has left Young and Beautiful Young and Beautiful Contenders EU Rank #12 Momentum flex support Shuh Pfleger Alban off tank NiCOgdh Nicolas Moret dps syca Jae dps Milkyman Otto Sarén tank Landon support . He will be replaced by Jona in the team's starting lineup.

Furthermore, the team has added Danish flex player Fierce to their roster to bring their total player count back to seven players.

The last time Young and Beautiful were in the news was when they added Jona and coach Fichael earlier this month.

After joining Young and Beautiful, Jona played in every map in their match against Eternal Academy. He played in place of KAFEEEEE.

Young and Beautiful are currently 0-3 in Contenders play. Their next match is against Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support in week four.

The Young and Beautiful Young and Beautiful Contenders EU Rank #12 Momentum flex support Shuh Pfleger Alban off tank NiCOgdh Nicolas Moret dps syca Jae dps Milkyman Otto Sarén tank Landon support players are:

  • Hugo "Flippy" Perhirin (DPS)
  • Jonathan "Jona" Stelma (DPS)
  • "Fierce" (Flex)
  • Daniel "Danii" Lindblad (Off-tank)
  • Timber "kranndop Rensen (Tank)
  • Eskii "Hunni" Keller-Larsen (Flex Support)
  • Egor "yungsavage" Tomilov (Support)

And their staff are comprised of:

  • Michael "Fichael" Whyte (Head Coach)
  • Robin "Maff" Korhonen (Analyst)
  • A "Cija" Joki (Manager)