Orgless & Hungry Orgless & Hungry Inactive henningsen Anders Henningsen tank Ruby Alexander Arvsell support have bid farewell to six members and bolstered three new players and a second coach. Among the departures are Polly , lateks , eMIL , kangakanga , DarkZero , and R0IV .

With six departures from the team, that only left Taang , Leodeddz , Berglund , and coach d00mbr0s as the team's only preexisting members. All of them but Leodeddz joined O&H in the team's January announcement of their mostly Swedish roster.

Among the new faces to O&H are Danish players henningsen and Watio and French DPS Khegasi . Khegasi and henningsen do not have past team experience, but Watio does. He was part of a past iteration of Bazooka Puppiez but did not play any matches with them. Prior to him competing in this season's Contenders Trials, his last recorded tournament match was with the Copenhagen Flames Copenhagen Flames Inactive SpoXez Bertram Hvass off tank Zaprey Nikolaj Ian Moyes dps Shax Johannes Nielsen dps Pagh Casper Larsen tank Watio Philip Nielsen support Mono Martin Madsen support in the 2017 ESL Go4Overwatch September tournament, where they defeated NYYRIKKI Frost NYYRIKKI Frost Inactive Skipah Jussi Mehtälä dps Brokkie Toni Sauhke support Dennia Dennis Forsblom support to claim first place.

The team is currently in eighth place in Contenders Trials. Their most recent match against HSL Esports HSL Esports Contenders EU Rank #20 ended in a 3-1 loss.

Orgless & Hungry Orgless & Hungry Inactive henningsen Anders Henningsen tank Ruby Alexander Arvsell support seek to be fed with: