Country: Belgium
Registered: August 11, 2016
Last post: August 8, 2020 at 2:47 PM
Posts: 204
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The intelligence of the average Overwatch player is the most frustrating thing in the game.

posted about 7 years ago

Wow! He carried as Tracer in the group stage, where the other countries are in general outclassed by the USA? It's like you are describing the charachter Tracer?

I'm definitely not talking about the USA v SK game specific, in many other games he failed to realise he shouldn't take duels he can't win. Get a random vod and you can find these situations easly.

You are right about his Zarya though, he's sick at it.

posted about 7 years ago

If he's still the same as the last time I saw him playing, an overrated US tracer player that takes unnecessary duels, has bad decision making and has "Hello'" binded to M1. Sure his aim is good, but not extraordinary compared to 10/12 of the other main tracers in the league. Hyped up and picked up at a bidding war that never should have been one.

Danteh looks more complete, can play more heroes and has already played several months with SFS. I don't expect Sinatraa to replace Danteh anytime soon.

posted about 7 years ago

Why would you put in a one-trick when Danteh is probably equally good on tracer and is also capable of playing different heroes on a high level?

posted about 7 years ago

Call a spade a spade.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm sorry, please replace "retard" with "an individual with a mental disability".

posted about 7 years ago

xQc is literally the biggest retard I've "seen" on twitch. When I see he has xk viewers, I get reminded what the average overwatch player is like and vice versa. When I see a retard in matchmaking, I automaticially assume he's a xQc follower.
Same with Taimou, apparantly he's 24 and still acts like a fucking child.

I'm a big fan of these punishments and for my part they get more severe.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Philly tankline has absolutely no coordination. Poko is never diving in with Fragi and using his defense matrix to absorb damage. It feels like Fragi isn't calling his jumps, but I think Poko is the problem here. Same happend on Nepal, Philly was chasing frags and Poko just stood back doing nothing...

posted about 7 years ago

I love how the cut the hafficool video straight after the big D-Va bomb, probably cause he started to shittalk to them. ;-)

posted about 7 years ago

He's the best junkrat. That being said, Junkrat probably has the lowest skill ceiling.

posted about 7 years ago

LiNkzr show.

posted about 7 years ago

So he hasn't been "in the zone" for 6 weeks now?
If you pop off 5 maps out of 40, it doesn't make you have the "highest skill ceiling", whatever that's supossed to mean, it makes you inconsistent.

posted about 7 years ago

Most suprising team (which team did better than you expected during OWL stage 1)
Boston Uprising

Speaks for itself. No-one expected them to do so well.

Most disappointing team (which team did worse than you expected during OWL stage 1)
Seoul Dynasty

I could have put Dallas here as well but I expected Seoul to roll through with their improved Lunatic-Hai roster.

Most valuable players (if you could only pick max. 2 players from each team)
Fleta (DPS)
Saebyeolbe (DPS)
Fate (Main tank)
Coolmatt (Offtank/Flex)
JJoNak (Support)
neptuNo (Support)

Fleta looked overall the best DPS, along with LiNkrz & Libero imo. Picking a tracer is a lot harder (hero 27 hardcounter please?). I really like Saebyeoble’s playstyle so I picked him. There are a lot of exceptional tank players, I picked Fate & Coolmatt. Coolmatt is imo the best D-Va player. Seems to know how to play to absolute perfection and balance between defending the backline/attacking with the rest of the team. JJonak is a sick Zenyatta and neptuNo looked amazing on Mercy.

Most overrated player

His loose playstyle worked well before but now he’s playing against the best players in the world and his retarded flank plays aren’t working anymore. His hero-pool is limiting Dallas as well.

Most underrated player

Unfortunately he’s playing on one of the weaker teams. Has a lot of talent, hopefully he can show it in stage 2.

Most suprising player

Honestly never heard of this guy before and he’s popping off big time along with Dreamkazper.

Most disappointing player

I have literally no clue what he's doing.

Most interesting player (most enjoyable player to watch, player that puts a lot of effort in something, …)

Not the best D-Va, but his absolutely perfect placed bombs are amazing to watch.

Player you would like to see (more) in OWL stage 2 (substitute, fresh signed player or just a player that isn’t in OWL (yet).
I'm actually curious about any new picks that Florida Mayhem are going to get, so atm I'm looking forward to Zappis.

Best caster

In my opinion the best caster by far. Hypes up plays when he's supossed to do, making funny references, pleasant voice, ...

Best analyst

Has great insight in the game, finds plays that other people don’t even think of. Also looks like he’s very well prepared for every game. One day he’s streaming from a box and choking on his own bubblegum, next day he’s sitting on the OWL analyst desk.

General thought of OWL so far (anything you can think of)

  • The mappool isn't big enough imo. Watching the same maps over and over again over several weeks is starting to get boring. Why not throw all maps in the pool for every stage?
  • Boring Mercy meta.
  • A lot of matches are closer than I expected, even though the scores don't always show this.

Expectations of OWL - Stage 2

  • New meta hopefully, without Mercy.
  • Lower tier teams may blossom again, I'm really curious about this.
posted about 7 years ago

Now stage 1 of the Overwatch League is coming to an end, I'm curious what you guys think of the the Overwatch Leagueso far.
You can copy the lines underneath and fill in your own thoughts.

Most suprising team (which team did better than you expected during OWL stage 1)

Most disappointing team (which team did worse than you expected during OWL stage 1)

Most valuable players (if you could only pick max. 2 players from each team)
... (DPS)
... (DPS)
... (Main tank)
... (Support)
... (Support)

Most overrated player

Most underrated player

Most suprising player

Most disappointing player

Most interesting player (most enjoyable player to watch, player that puts a lot of effort in something, …)

Player you would like to see (more) in OWL stage 2 (substitute, fresh signed player or just a player that isn’t in OWL (yet).

Best caster

Best analyst

General thought of OWL so far (anything you can think of)

Expectations of OWL - Stage 2

posted about 7 years ago

Purely based on team cohesion, Boston looks like the best team imo.

posted about 7 years ago

This is exactly why you shouldn't say things like that, especially when you become an analyst for an opposing team afterwards.

posted about 7 years ago

Why are they boo-ing on Soon?

posted about 7 years ago

What a strange game this was. If Linkrz was playing, it would've definetly been a win for Houston, I feel like. I also have no idea why their initial Tracer player would play Pharah and their projectile player would play Tracer. Any idea why the swapped around?

Other than that, Seoul is a complete mess, they should've been the best team with the upgraded Lunatic Hai roster but they look like they have the teamplay of a low tier team that's getting kept up by their mechanical skill.

Also, what the fuck was that blue dot on Jake's face and red dot on Clockwork's face?

posted about 7 years ago

After stage 1, I reckon.

posted about 7 years ago

Zebbo & Zappis reunited PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

basically how he started playing OW.

posted about 7 years ago

No more Mercy and Moira doing a lot of continous healing with her biotic orbs which can basicially give your ult in 25 seconds. Still, not a lot of teams have even touched Moira for a good amount of time.

posted about 7 years ago

Unkoe's ults have been poor lately, if he keeps throwing them away, I give Fusion the edge.

posted about 7 years ago

What a disappointing game, expected way more.

posted about 7 years ago

Did you say something? :D

posted about 7 years ago

Trades are actually a thing? :o

posted about 7 years ago

With the mercy nerf, It actually might be possible to see 4-tank meta coming back, like some teams are showing on Horizon. Extra off-tank players then would be needed. Zappis would be a good pick for D-Va/Zarya and then they could switch Manneten back to Roadhog.

Besides the obvious issues they have, I think their supports mainly are often caught off-guard and out of position. An extra support player could be nice...

posted about 7 years ago

I don't really base my opinion on 1 game, I wanna see people consistently shine on a certain hero, and imo that's not the case with AKM on Pharah.

posted about 7 years ago


His Pharah was pretty underwhelming on Rogue...

posted about 7 years ago

Even though AKM has undeniable skill, I feel that Effect can play AKM's hero-pool at similar level. The only difference being Effect can also play Tracer.

posted about 7 years ago

Imo he's doing great considering he has very few games under his belt. I never particulary disliked him casting cs:go games, it's just that Sadokist is an insanely good caster.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't expect to see clockwork a lot anymore.

posted about 7 years ago

If Taimou stops playing like a donkey, Dallas has a good chance to win.

posted about 7 years ago

I've only played 3min of Mercy.

posted about 7 years ago

YOUR MONTHLY AUTISM TEST: ✓ sideshowChamp ✓ sideshowDribble ✓ sideshowChoke

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

It would be more suprising if he plays more than one week.

posted about 7 years ago

Aimbaud PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

Most people here just heared one of the analists say thats Logix has choked on every lan so far so people assume it's true. You could clearly see that Misfits/Mayhem clearly have/had bigger issues than individuals not performing as well as they should. Also, he played very well at the nations cup considering Belgium was bad compared to the teams they've played against where he got shut down pretty hard.

'Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.'

posted about 7 years ago

Is there a way to record clips without the POTG template with the ingame function or do you record everything externally?

posted about 7 years ago

Reykjavik Rage - starring Hafficool.

posted about 7 years ago

Nico was known for his raw hitscan aim in TF2.

posted about 7 years ago

This would make so much sense indeed.

posted about 7 years ago

Looks like Nico is going to swap over to hitscan.

posted about 7 years ago

Would be nice that they ban everyone who does this kind of stuff, unfortunately banning 10% of the community isn't an option.

posted about 7 years ago

It's hard to shine on tracer as a Korean...

posted about 7 years ago

He casted overwatch before with Anders over a year ago, which wasn't a succes.
I hope he improved his overwatch casting, which I only assume he would.

posted about 7 years ago

Manneten, what a fucking god on hog.

posted about 7 years ago

Once Sinatraa is able to play, I don't expect iddqd to play a lot.

posted about 7 years ago
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