Country: Italy
Registered: January 11, 2017
Last post: April 5, 2020 at 7:53 PM
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We are not reddit

posted about 7 years ago

i think there will be more investitors if the OWWC 2017 makes good viewerships

posted about 7 years ago

Stars war

posted about 7 years ago

Alicus has already bought a spot for 500000€......Blizzard haven't finished to pay him yet!!

posted about 7 years ago

The most important problem who stop investement right now is related at the low viewership that OW has right now....we really need to try to push up the views for OWWC. If we do that investors will se the power of blizzard tournament and decide to put money on the OWL. We really need to watch as much OWWC as we can so the investitors will see the interest.

posted about 7 years ago

Also i think that after first season blizzard will decrease prices for the spot.... the first teams will be happy anyway cause they will have more fans ( they will have time to create a good fanbase) and they will take more money in merchandising so all will be happy with that...but at least for the first season Blizzard is obly to has high prices for the spot

posted about 7 years ago

The point is that no one is interested in investing on OWL in EU because the scene dies a long time ago.....
if contenders Eu will have some succes ( as viewers) there will be investment.....

posted about 7 years ago

Misfits immortals and nrg confirmed so?

posted about 7 years ago

What the f is going on???

posted about 7 years ago

Lol this can be funny if Blizzard fucked the OW scene for the OWL and then cancel OWL....hope not

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

I think if he ia supported by a zarya and an ana he is a fantastic time taker.....even if he doesnt kill he can be ables to does a lot of damage........ also he has a fantastic combo with orisa graviton amd DF right click.....that combo is absurde....and when DF and another time taker (reaper ) have done a tot of damage supparted by ana and zarya the lucio boost zarya inside the fight orisa and ana more close and you win the fight.....this is THE DOOM OF THE GRAVITON'S GIRLS FIST
(copriright on the name pls)

posted about 7 years ago

Seems like toronto esporta will disband: jaru and ludee :(

posted about 7 years ago

What the f????,

posted about 7 years ago

The real problem is: who will be more able with DF? I think that the most similar role as ability is the main tank ones....let me explain: jump similar to wiston, charge as rein and up in the air as dva..... i dont say to use DF as main tank but main tank wil be able to use him very well..... i think he will be considered as projectile dps so the genji will go for him in case or the flex offtank. But he is totaly different to an hitscan and even from tha actualy projectile roster(except for the mobility).
But i still think that the main tanks player will easily learn how to play him

Edit: for example i think that an agressive reinhardt like reinforce will easily master DF

posted about 7 years ago

mL7 is a great player imo

posted about 7 years ago

Great works man!!

posted about 7 years ago

come on envy at least 3-1

posted about 7 years ago

I am supporting FaZe but is weird see lg evil out of the competition.....

posted about 7 years ago

happy birthday kophee

posted about 7 years ago

i totaly agree with this fantastic guy ( except of sideshow obv)

posted about 7 years ago

Alicus already bought a spot for 500,000$..... Blizzard havent finished to pay him yet

posted about 7 years ago

I honestly really like the idea of a player draft......but seems like underage players will have some troubles for that

posted about 7 years ago

This is the prove that people who has good reputation on SANE communities ( like over.gg not reddit or twitch chat lul)
can changes competitive...... #harshapartyheretowinnextelection

posted about 7 years ago

harsha president of competitive overwatch from now!

posted about 7 years ago

They are already landed in US?

posted about 7 years ago

Europa Universailiss IV need to be played

posted about 7 years ago

There is life is strange only 5 €...... if you havent play this beautifull game go an play 15 h of pure games magnificent

posted about 7 years ago

3v3 tournaments only confirmed?

posted about 7 years ago

Change dummy will not change the nrg situation but phaz and xretzi can be the good add they need

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Mmm i dont know i think his genji his better thsn then kruise one, also he play a fantastic tracer(better then mickeyA) and is the best UK roadhog....

posted about 7 years ago

ithink neptuno will be the dps in spain and harryhook the flex supp

posted about 7 years ago

i think that belgium and netherlands will be the surprises of the tournament

posted about 7 years ago

Italy has nor the best team but is not that bad as i thought....but legol and poinT are both main tank better then cerysz and hal is better then fighter and they have same hero pool so....we will see

I dont understand why not kyb in GB he is the best flex/dps they have

posted about 7 years ago

He plays in CE Sabadel team

posted about 7 years ago

Yea he wrote on twitter some time ago that he is not interestd in plays the WC

posted about 7 years ago

Nope, he said that he was not interested in partecipate

posted about 7 years ago

Lol sorry for the ERROR on the title

posted about 7 years ago

Forsak3n is in.... and i think sharik has GB nationality

posted about 7 years ago

Some flash news:
Kyb and sharik not in the GB team(instead of cristhfer and smex/mickeyA/kruise)
Italy team choose the wrong main tank(cerys instead of poinT or legol) and decide to take fighter instead of Hal( but Hal is much better)
France all Rogue
Russia, except for the main tank, has a great team
Cwoosh an Chipsajen in the sweden team( no iddqd nevix zave)

posted about 7 years ago

I see you man but i will not betray you!!

posted about 7 years ago
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