Country: United States
Registered: October 13, 2016
Last post: March 20, 2018 at 10:44 PM
Posts: 109
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A 5v6 is gonna be tough...

posted about 8 years ago

As far as retirement announcements go, this one is pretty fun. Publicly badmouthing your previous employer and the entire scene is an act of burning all kinds of bridges.

posted about 8 years ago

The esport attention/content "issue" will resolve itself organically once blizzard starts marketing tournaments to casual players, especially once their overwatch league starts up. Right now the only tournament that's well produced and has all the best teams in the world in is live at 2/5 AM in the US, and most of the teams in it are korean. No wonder the casual overwatch player doesn't give a shit. That will change.

posted about 8 years ago

They were both sloppy, but jesus christ did c9 fuck up some basic coordination so many times, and just went pure brawl mode on gibraltar attack. It was sort of close to working, but you are not going to win tournaments like that.

posted about 8 years ago

Looks like envy will be the only western team in the play offs.

posted about 8 years ago

Harb doesn't speak french.

posted about 8 years ago

Yeess, that's the correct direction. Now who else is on the team? Harb?

posted about 8 years ago

That widow pick on king's row though. Pretty ballsy and creative.

posted about 8 years ago

Don't you know that outrage over things like this is why trump won? In all seriousness though literally half of twitch overwatch streamers have done this, and when universally loved guys like ster did it, no one gave a fuck. But when a guy that people like to jump on because he got dropped from two teams does it, suddenly the lynch mob shows up. Bottom line is didn't fucking do anything. Who cares. We don't even know exactly what led to him being dropped from fnatic. Save the pitch forks for something worthy.

posted about 8 years ago

Yea, but there are smaller tournaments to learn on the job on. ZP and Hex spent months casting community cups on gosu gamers. By the time overwatch open rolled around they were vastly better than when they first started.

posted about 8 years ago

It's a china market movie. Revenues from china are approaching those from the US market, so many movies are made for them, with the funding of the chinese government. Basically matt damon is getting paid.

posted about 8 years ago

It may be a little bm to point to this out, and i know commentating overwatch is not easy, but these casters were not great. Why not recruit proven talent that's out there. Not like they were doing something else.

posted about 8 years ago

What did numlocked do to earn his spot on this roster? I thought nothing. But the rest is looking promising.

posted about 8 years ago

Buds is throwing this game on roadhog. Repeatedly didn't finish off kills after landing hooks, didn't hook the nano visoring soldier as he did a tour around the entire fnatic team with it.

posted about 8 years ago

I want to see both of these teams vs envyus. They both seem similar in that they put a lot more emphasis on dps than other teams on this patch. And it's beautiful. sheds tear

posted about 8 years ago

Is this fake news? Do you work for the Russians?

posted about 8 years ago

Gods left, who knows what happened with pookz.

posted about 8 years ago

Good, i'm glad. Saw the writing on the wall, it just wasn't working. They should fire everyone except for seagull, and in my opinion not give him final say in hiring decisions, since he's shown a preference for friendships and previous relationships as opposed to the best people for the job in the past. You need people who do not just have an fps pedigree, but are are also hungry and interested in the game, whoever they are.

posted about 8 years ago

This should be handled by game makers on a game by game basis. Having the government regulate game cheating is massive overreach. What's next, you go to prison for uncalled fouls at a pick up basketball game?

posted about 8 years ago

To be fair that's not a direct quote. He said we were at rock bottom on like day 2 or 3 of the WP qualifiers when they lost to unsigned teams, and the context of the comment were strictly these qualifiers, since he then followed up with "we did a lot better on day 4".

Then the comms thing was a separate comment which basically amounted to "we tunnel vision too much", not that no one is listening to comms. In fact he kinda defended some of their comp choices.

Anyway, they keep talking about improving, but if you're improving at this pace you're never going to catch any of the tier 1 teams.

posted about 8 years ago

He did a good job of selling the potential of his team. We'll see if they can back this up with results.

posted about 8 years ago

They needed to close out at least one of the non-control point maps instead of tying both. Also, best of 1 control point tie breaker is pretty bullshit, and control point tie breaker in general is kinda bullshit too. I think they should just let them tie.

posted about 8 years ago

I'm not worried at all, that's why i haven't deleted it or bothered to defend it. I'm just saying people are sleeping on this.

posted about 8 years ago

I'd just like to note that at this moment my comment sits and -4, and by disband i meant a major reshuffle of the roster. If you think that doesn't have a very good chance of happening after mlg vegas, well then downvote away. Seagull can play on an elite team, but his friends can't. He needs to get out of his comfort zone to win among tier 1 teams.

posted about 8 years ago

Fnatic is the best team in this entire bracket. They have a better chance of winning the finals than the semis, so if they beat fnatic they have a decent chance.

posted about 8 years ago

I predict NRG disbands after this tournament.

posted about 8 years ago

A tournament literally organized by a hardware vendor had shit PCs that had to be replaced on tournament start day? MSLUL.

posted about 8 years ago

Reading that article, are these reasons of same culture/language just excuses or is there really something to them? All of these teams have been massively successful speaking english to each other. Including envyus, who won a major korean tournament with one guy from thailand, let alone EU/NA.

Sounds like complete bullshit that's hiding actual reasons, like maybe misfits deciding their comp was untenable long term (not something i agree with, but they could think that), and deciding to pay money for other players, triggering other moves.

posted about 8 years ago

You don't need players from the same country/place. You just need to be based in one place. I heard that cooller said on his stream that it was specifically tviq shaking things up in order to create a swedish only team around himself. GG both rogue and misfits?

posted about 8 years ago

MLG vegas will be interesting, as well as what happens to the NV lineup.

posted about 8 years ago

That sounds pretty cool tbh. It would be interesting to see if the barrier is useful at all in comp play.

posted about 8 years ago

Holy shit what a game.

posted about 8 years ago

Don't worry, we still pronounce it op laid.

posted about 8 years ago

Finland 2-0,

posted about 8 years ago

Yea what the shit was that at the beginning of SK eichenwald defense?

posted about 8 years ago

Who is looking forward to the Sweden-SK semi? I am.

posted about 8 years ago

This is the most likely upset.

posted about 8 years ago

Holy shit china got beat by a half amateur team.. after it lost to thailand.

posted about 8 years ago

Forget chodez, but honestly nrg have been tier 2 NA so far. They have been behind envy/c9/fnatic, which is who i'd say are NA tier 1. Perhaps they can take c9's spot if c9's roster changes don't work out. If not for seagull's popularity, it was probably fnatic's spot in asian trouneys due to their performance. Anyway, i hope nrg takes a step forward, even if i always thought gods was pretty good on dps. NRG are my favorite team to root for.

posted about 8 years ago

Should be a barn burner.

posted about 8 years ago

inb4 everyone blames ster.

posted about 8 years ago

Can you make that bet directly with me? I'll give $1,000 if brazil wins.

posted about 8 years ago

USA, Russia in group B. Sweden wins the whole thing no matter what.

posted about 8 years ago

But he's the only pro overwatch player that doesn't look like he lives in his mom's basement (even if he actually does).

posted about 8 years ago

That nano nerf though..

posted about 8 years ago

In any case in client tournament promotion would be huge.

posted about 8 years ago

I think more organizational prowess, especially in the US market cannot hurt. As far as overwatch goes, everything will be determined by viewer numbers, which so far seem kinda lowish? I know it's wrong to compare overwatch to long established games like LoL or DOTA. But for those that were around for the rise of those games and hearthstone, did they start from the 10-30K live viewer numbers OW is getting now, plus another 4-10K VOD views? I'm concerned that that's a bit low.

posted about 8 years ago
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