Country: Ireland
Registered: January 17, 2018
Last post: May 21, 2019 at 3:12 PM
Posts: 83
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OWL is a franchise system and there's big corporates involved now, Blizzard doesn't need any side shows to damage the brand. xQc likely has no malice in what he says, he just thinks and thus speaks like a boy.

posted about 7 years ago

Valiant looked better on Oasis but only just. Korean teams are legit looking to be on a different tier.

posted about 7 years ago

LAV go 2-0 down and Pine will likely sub in, eek.

posted about 7 years ago

Meko clutch

posted about 7 years ago

Break out the broom, we got a sweep.

Dallas are fucked. Houston have erased the Phillie blip. Clockwork won't be seen a great deal more.

posted about 7 years ago

This is the worst Envyus/Fuel display I've ever seen. In part influenced by the high standards they've set themselves. They look like a Contenders team scriming an OWL team.

How and why Taimou only appears on map 4 is baffling.

posted about 7 years ago

Dallas have influenced the 180 by some, nothing else.

Right now, they're a complete mess.

posted about 7 years ago

No Taimou again...

posted about 7 years ago

Steady on, he has a deep pool.

posted about 7 years ago

His/their best work was done as Envy. Revert to what you know. Dallas look fucked.

posted about 7 years ago

1 Take the best in the west - Envy.
2 Break up the starting roster.
3 Dallas Fuel.

posted about 7 years ago

Dallas player selection is mind boggling. They look tactically inept and bereft of ideas. KyKy needs to shoulder the blame if he made the call. Dallas are a shambles.

posted about 7 years ago

Jake has been enormous, took Mickie ages to attack him on the the high ground on HLC. Good reason the likes of Fleta calling this guy next level DPS.

posted about 7 years ago


Kyky what are you thinking? Mickie is just a (massively overrated) dva main with a passable Zarya. If they wanted to run that Roadhog comp, why leave Taimou out?
The have to win this series already, so early in the season. Losing this would put them what, 6 games behind Seoul, make it 7 given they will likely sweep Boston.
Crazy player choice on Junkertown.

posted about 7 years ago

London by 3/4.

posted about 7 years ago

You need to be at a low-ish ebb to see victory over Shanghai as anything more than a formality. Teams do bounce off a win for sure, but the Dragons are basically a BYE round for the time being.

This will go to 5 maps, can't pick a winner.

posted about 7 years ago

5 mapper

posted about 7 years ago

Florida are incredibly consistent.


posted about 7 years ago

Fleta ...

posted about 7 years ago

14 blue or red in every players country flag

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

1-3 PF.

I see very little in SFS and I wonder does sinatraa too?

$150.000 this season tastes nice but I fully expect him out, SFS hasn't got the experimental in it.

posted about 7 years ago

Just some craziness about the OWL, 100 reasons why

1 Rascal isn't getting to play, so good is London.

2 ...

posted about 7 years ago

The number one matchup is LAV NYXL. This tells us everything.

LAV WIN - then one of the top 3 Korean teams is not invincible (minus Flow3r!)

LAV Loses 1-3 - NYXL continue as they have done, doing enough with some style. (You'll always lose Ilios against NYXL)

LAV Loses 0-4 - NYXL has arrived.


Sptifire Fuel is a fun one.

I think Dallas has the DPS for London actually. If Taimou goes back to basics and takes widow off Effect it becomes interesting. Sick and all as Effect is, he has to conten with a hero swapping Profit and Birdring. Tracer on Tracer is fun but Effect can't predict who will be on Tracer or Widow, and the dichotomy is the reason that Widow must go to Taimou.

I think Dallas needs to go with what they know full stop. For me an issue is that Coco isn't as prevalent any more, he needs to start over xQc, particularly going up against Gesture. This is a jokeshop level high Winston/Reinhardt, his Reinhardt kills on Junkertown were mind boggling. He's aggressive as hell while being there for his team.

An Envyus set up is needed to stop the rot.

If we see Dallas Fuel then I can see a 0-4, 1-3 best. However, if Seagull comes in for Ilios as Pharah and generall an Envyus heavy style, then they can easily take a 3-2 or even 3-1. But it needs to be all in, Envy style.

posted about 7 years ago

Their Mercy is the greatest Lucio (I almost typed Tobi) to ever play the game.

If Lucio was to make a return, which seems doubtful outside of speed-boost, I'd begin to worry. Lunatic-Hai played with a 2.5 DPS with Tobi on Lucio, his Nepal video for example is a thing of beauty, if there was any Lucio outside of perhaps Joemiester to make a difference, it is he.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm happy to work off this too. Though I caution optimism in regards LAV, this week tells all because they are clearly the best Western team. I won't accept Dallas or Huoston as "underperforming relative to squad", it's a case of LAV to date, being as good as we can see. Now they face Korea, put up or shut up right?

Can a team break into Tier 1 is interesting for me.

Dallas is capable, in fact, probable. I personally don't buy the hype of Huoston or Gladiators. I just don't see it as either of their meta. I think both are too far behind. Dallas is adaptable and that's their USP. They more than any squad have the bounce-back-ability* that others, Fusion included, don't have. For Stage 1, I think all other teams are done. I've seen more than enough.


posted about 7 years ago

It's very difficult to look past the Korean line ups. Even Boston looks strongest when they go deep with Neko, Kalios, Gamsu and Striker.

Seoul/London/NY are virtually equal. Dropping a map is irrelevant right now. It may be worthwhile come the latter stages for pay off qualification but for the stages it'll come down to straight wins.

All isn't lost for Dallas, Houston etc. but it seems the Gladiators trail the Valiant and after this all the other .500 are just trailing Dallas and Houston right now.

The Korean teams will start dropping series to one another and only once this happens will we have a true indication where we are. Stage 1 looks interesting, I can't see any free agents transforming sides to a point where they can effectively challenge for the end of stage play offs.

LAV v NXL is a marque match up. This tells us where both teams are with a decent level of accuracy. We won't need an entire season's worth of games to figure out if the Valiant are legit or if the Korean teams are that much ahead of the rest. What makes me laugh is when people are losing their minds over Pine (you know they never watched anything from OGN), LW Blue/Korea DPS god, Flow3r is sitting this season out (can he make playoffs when 18?). NYXL is potentially the ace in the pack. Established for some years now as LW and deadly dangerous with a scary deep pool. With all this in mind, if Valiant topples them, we need to re-arrange how we view this tournament.

Florida while adrift, are far superior to Shanghai.

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul taking this very easily, 0-4 or at the absolute best 1-3.

Florida are miles off the pace right now and Seoul will likely have Bunny/Wekeed/Kuki/Gido/xepheR in for the play-time. They know they can cruise to a 1-3 or bruise to a 0-4 but with another "easy" match up against Boston this week, I think they'll be very experimental and go for their bench.

posted about 7 years ago
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