Country: United States
Registered: August 11, 2017
Last post: June 2, 2018 at 10:39 AM
Posts: 93
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I think hydration is doing great on projectile DPS. I think instead they need another flex tank or even main tank. I'd say zappis would be a good pick considering the synergy with Shaz and biggoose.

posted about 6 years ago

Ez 4-0 GLA

posted about 6 years ago

But mercy and junkrat are such unfun heroes to play, rez as a mechanic is just pesky and annoying. Junkrat getting kills from spam is random and easy to do. Btw rein wasn't in dive meta it was Winston that was main tank. I do agree that the meta had to change from dive but I would have rather it been to some comp without mercy or junkrat.

posted about 6 years ago

Well done, it's great!

posted about 6 years ago
  1. Dynasty
  2. Spitfire
  3. Valiant
  4. Fuel
  5. NYXL
  6. Outlaws
  7. Gladiators
  8. Fusion
  9. Shock
  10. Uprising
  11. Mayhem
  12. Dragons
posted about 6 years ago

With the number one tracer in the world, what could possibly go wrong?

posted about 6 years ago

That along with the rosters and branding

posted about 7 years ago

When deciding which team I would want to root for come OWL, I looked through each logo, branding, name, roster, etc. I later found that most of the teams had players that I had great interest in, and would gladly root for. I ultimately decided on two teams, LA Gladiators, and the Philadelphia Fusion. I liked both of them because in the announcement of the name and logo had Reinhardt for Gladiators, and Winston for Fusion (I'm a tank main). I liked Fusions' Fragi, Shadowburn, Joemeister, Boombox, and Carpe. I liked Gladiators' everything but Asher (I don't watch APEX because of time difference and I don't have much time to watch VODS). I also loved both team's branding and names. But now I this point I'm questioning if I should like the Fusion. First off, they're owned by Comcast, and this whole net neutrality situation has got me annoyed with those companies. Secondly, I just learned about Sado, how he was boosted players and is now being mildly punished. I don't think actions like this are acceptable, and I think Sado shouldn't be in OWL. I think it's surprising why they would sign him given his past actions, and they're so many good Winstons that are free agents. Also (not a big point), their video was bad. Considering that the Gladiators have been putting out a lot of good videos on their players, I'm tempted just to only root for the Gladiators. Thoughts?

posted about 7 years ago

This is devastating, rest in peace.

posted about 7 years ago

Let's go fusion

posted about 7 years ago

Stylosa lol

posted about 7 years ago

The white actually doesn't look bad with different colors. Canada which is white vs green aus isn't bad at all. Just some have two light colors which isn't good.

posted about 7 years ago

The white is so confusing to look at. I like the home colors much more. Idk there even away colors at this point, there should just be dominant colors.

posted about 7 years ago

Oh shit that rein skin is amazing. As a tank main I'm torn between gladiators and fusion. Guess I'll just have to wait and see fusions roster. Poggers for bischu and surefour

posted about 7 years ago

I think this roster will be about as good as shock. This team will probably be mid tier. Bischu, Shaz, big goose, surefour will all standout as the carries I think.

posted about 7 years ago

Wow I'm so surprised it's not like we don't already know their full roster

posted about 7 years ago

OWL- Fusion, I'm a Winston main and I love the logo, don't even need to know the roster
Normal- Arc6, but for active teams Lunatic Hai

posted about 7 years ago

I've been looking it up and I can't find a good definition to the context of this website and overwatch. Can someone please explain?

posted about 7 years ago

I feel the same way

posted about 7 years ago

DPS is pretty good. Off tanks is insane. Tank is insane. Support is great. Stacked roster and coaching staff.

posted about 7 years ago

Having kephrii on any OWL spot is a terrible idea

posted about 7 years ago

They have 3 flank specialists?

posted about 7 years ago

They literally two of the three best NA off tanks

posted about 7 years ago

Kings of the flag meta

posted about 7 years ago

I would love to see custa on fuel. He'd be great when they don't want to run a Lucio and instead like ana zen or mercy zen and etc. I think signing silkthread and space are no brainers. Silk is no doubt better than grim. I don't know how good envy is, but I know that space is a top tier flex and one of the best NA off tanks.

posted about 7 years ago

Is talespin coming back? If so, I think best options are tseini, zza, and talespin (although we don't know how good he is now)

posted about 7 years ago

Hyped for dreamkazper, always been a great DPS

posted about 7 years ago

What happened to Leetaejun?

posted about 7 years ago

I love that skin but I suck at doomfist

posted about 7 years ago

Where's GC Busan?

posted about 7 years ago

Let's go envision!

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Zombs lol

posted about 7 years ago

Fuck mercy

posted about 7 years ago

What was RNG thinking?!

posted about 7 years ago

RNG v nV
FaZe v Rogue
Kungarna v enVision
Immortals v FNRGFE

posted about 7 years ago

cwoosh on tank was like having gods on tank

posted about 7 years ago

What if envision just got the roster of arc6? Considering how well they did in BEAT after getting custa, it isn't a bad idea... Extremely unlikely though.

posted about 7 years ago

Broadcast talent is stacked

posted about 7 years ago
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