Country: Eritrea
Registered: April 21, 2017
Last post: October 4, 2018 at 6:57 PM
Posts: 365
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posted about 7 years ago

monkaS of all monkaS’s

posted about 7 years ago

Really hope that Those Guys are actually Spitfire's academy team, a lot of those guys deserve OWL spots and this is a good route for them to get there

posted about 7 years ago

I definitely think he deserves some form of punishment; that being said the OWL is still in it’s infancy, not even 3 weeks in, and since xQc has been on the Fuel he’s had his account suspended TWICE and now this. The punishment is for all of those things, he fully deserves the Stage 1 suspension.

posted about 7 years ago

Ummmm. Did I load the page wrong? It says that VAL won two out of three of the Oasis rounds, but NYXL won the map?

posted about 7 years ago

Fleta is about to have the best statistical performance in the history of OW

posted about 7 years ago

4-0 Philly, SDB and Carpe are going to abuse Sleepy and Dhak

posted about 7 years ago

no :/ and AFAIK we don't know when they're going to implement patches

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago



posted about 7 years ago

APEX used to start at 3 AM for me, fucking brutal, luckily I was in college for most of them and I had a two hour break in the middle of the day which is where I'd cram and watch all the APEX matches from that day.

posted about 7 years ago

unpopular opinion but I think that Mayhem are weaker than both Shanghai and Boston....

posted about 7 years ago

I'm torn between NYXL and DF as my favorite teams, there isn't a team from my city (Las Vegas) so right now I'm leaning toward NYXL because I lived there for a very short period of time. And DF I only like because of all the big personalities on their team.

Tobi is my favorite player though so I'll be rooting for Seoul in their games, but not as one of my primary fav teams

posted about 7 years ago

No :/ my setup was/still is real shitty and I didn't really have the capacity to record my gameplay, i wish though

posted about 7 years ago

Really glad that at least some of MY is in OWL - they more than deserved it, and their roster should have been the core of Shanghai Dragons

posted about 7 years ago

Climbed from 2.3k in season 2 all the way to 3.9k last season maining Reinhardt and Winston

posted about 7 years ago

If there was ever a Las Vegas team I would cream

posted about 7 years ago

They went through a full rebuild so they're just announcing their "new" team one by one

posted about 7 years ago

No Smex? I feel like he'd be on a Kruise roster undoubtedly

posted about 7 years ago

I get what you were saying and i agree with you, i was just nitpicking lol :-) but yes, KariV is a great Widow but I think babybay is on another level

posted about 7 years ago

I was hoping to see him end up on Kruise and Morte's team, but this is good too :-)

posted about 7 years ago

you're right other than the fact that Verbo is a bot (even though he probably won't play) and babybay is better than any widow player VAL have

posted about 7 years ago

really excited to see what the academy teams look like

edit: i didn't want to spread any leaks that i'm not 100% sure about

posted about 7 years ago

San Diego

Amsterdam has to be the best team drafted imo

posted about 7 years ago

Kind of curious to see Nico's hitscan play, when he played Zarya back in the day his tracking wasn't bad IIRC

posted about 7 years ago

from Jeff himself:

Hi all,

We’re making a change on our PTR servers shortly (no patch required!), that reworks some of how our heroes move and accelerate.

This was originally done to fix bugs on a couple heroes, but the changes are systemic and affect all Heroes.

Specifically, movement on the ground is much more consistent. Going up/down inclines will no longer affect the Hero’s speed. Previously, inclines could either make you move slightly faster or slightly slower, depending on the circumstances. Inclines will also no longer cause a small amount of strafing movement when moving diagonally on them. A side effect of these changes is characters will now have slightly better air control. For example, Winston previously was not able to easily make small adjustments to his flight path during his Jump Pack leap, but now he should be able to do that, and it is also noticeable on many of the other Heroes that are often in the air.

We think these changes will overall be great improvements but there might be some unintended side effects that we’d love your help finding on the PTR!


I went and fooled around a little bit and the changes are HUGE for Winston, so much more control in the air and you can strafe WAY further to the left and right while in the air

posted about 7 years ago

P O G G E R S, those contenders invitations are great too

posted about 7 years ago

Poi98 you're a god

posted about 7 years ago

In light of how he's been acting lately it's looking like I need to find someone new to use my prime sub on :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

That's a pogger, I never thought i'd see the day that either of these changes were implemented.

posted about 7 years ago

Roshan BoneFace

posted about 7 years ago

London are going to run KDP and smash

posted about 7 years ago

Fuel just got soundly outplayed, give me carryhook

posted about 7 years ago

I second this

posted about 7 years ago

the c9 curse is real

posted about 7 years ago

excited to see if Nomy's Winston has progressed to an OWL level

posted about 7 years ago

IDK is a nut, glad you've included him

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Anyone who was able to watch how did Meta do? And did they run dive? ArHaN and Sayaplayer is a dirty genji tracer duo

posted about 7 years ago

Hoping that they release OWWC skins too. I think it'd be cool to get a free world cup skin if you voted for the committee.

What OWL skin do you guys think you'll get first? For me it'll probably be Dallas Fuel Widow or Reinhardt

posted about 7 years ago

I think Mayhem will be middle/lower end of the pack until mid-season signings and assuming they pick up some sort of a bench they'll have a good shot at making a run to make it into the upper half of the standings. I just think they lack flexibility with CWoosH at main tank

posted about 7 years ago

I guess if/when he plays, he'll be the bad guy of the league, which will be the only good thing he'll bring to the league. Any sport needs a pro everyone hates.

posted about 7 years ago

Excited to (probably) see ChangSik again, I always thought he was solid, and he always got the short end of the stick on Meta Athena

posted about 7 years ago

So, who will be their core dps duo? Arhan and Recry are one of my favorite duo's but how do you leave Sayaplayer out - how do you leave any of them out, for that matter?

posted about 7 years ago

Overwatch League players are expected to uphold the highest standards of our game, and to be exemplary citizens of our player community. Participating in “account-boosting” schemes, wherein an individual is paid to increase another user’s Skill Rating, is contrary to these values, and violates the Blizzard End User License Agreement. As such, the Overwatch League has chosen to suspend Su-Min “Sado” Kim, of the Philadelphia Fusion, for the preseason and the first 30 matches of the inaugural season.

imo he shouldn't be allowed in the league at all

posted about 7 years ago

I'm mid-diamond and I can flex to any Tank/Support, as well as any DPS that's not Tracer, Genji, or Pharah. My Lucio is especially Nutty though.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Tank: FCTFCTN Kaiser

DPS: aKm Shadder davin Mangachu

Flex/Tank: Gods Zappis emongg

Support: Roolf Adam greyy

I was really going for ultimate flexibility, but I think it ended up pretty sick either way

e: i just looked through and realized i have almost the exact same roster as #9, great minds think alike my friend

posted about 7 years ago

That first tournament that they came back with Nico was insane (one of the OMM's I think?), and they absolutely ruled the west for the next however many months, I definitely agree that if/when OW is huge this roster will be the stuff of legend.

The :candle: of all :candle:s

e: it was OMM February, where they came back after a full rebuild and absolutely destroyed everyone

posted about 7 years ago
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