Country: United States
Registered: June 25, 2016
Last post: July 9, 2022 at 5:57 PM
Posts: 113
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posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

i mean why would they disband if they havent lost some of their players

posted about 7 years ago

stands are steep and i like that. Esports tifo time lads. Should create a better enviroment when full. Especially with 400 seats. Kinda wish the stage was closer to the fans though.

Heres hoping concessions actually makes food because otherwise it looks like a convenience store. Gear store seems small. Hoping they will be able to stock team jerseys, scarves and hats for all the clubs.

Other than that a liqour license would be useful.

posted about 7 years ago

Ooooo that logo is dope as hell

posted about 7 years ago

Timo Kettunen
My favorite match will be one i see in person, i dont really have a fav tbh
Reinhardt, Winston, Roadhog and Bastion
Baby Driver
Thai Curry
tothPotato <3

Overwatch is my most played game at the moment but i have a soft spot for the Need for Speed franchise. I own every single main series game from the franchise that released on PS2 and PS3 and i enjoy almost all of them

posted about 7 years ago

Birdring-Rascal-Surefour-Nevix-Mike Adams-Kyb

And Mendo as a streamer and Alicus as a General Manager
C9 has 24 people with their organization for Overwatch wtf.

posted about 7 years ago

EZ 4 M17

FeelsBadMan 4 Nippon

posted about 7 years ago

London Bluebirds Electronic Sports Club-Simplistic name-could fit the cloud9 colors and thematics easily, also super easy to make a mascot suit out off. :)

London Ironworks Professional Gaming Club-Referencing Thames Ironworks Football Club, a steelworker's team that laid the groundwork for the club now known as West Ham United.

London Pilots Electronic Sports Club-Referencing the well known history of the British Royal Air Force

posted about 7 years ago

the rumor about faze is something i heard on discord.

everything else is just guesses and speculation

posted about 7 years ago

rumors are that FaZe Clan is close to a deal to be a part of season 1 although there is no information on what market they will represent, although the Las Vegas teamhouse for Carpe, George and the boys might have something to do with it.

I think that we will see what comes up but i do believe that the current official teams plus FaZe, EnVy and a second European franchise in either Paris, Frankfurt, Cologne or Berlin will be where we launch the league from. negotiations will likely continue to take place for additional franchises for season 2 and beyond. expect Season 1 to last from early december to late april with double round robin league play and the opening round of playoffs taking place at a studio in Southern California with the Semis in a larger arena in town before going overseas for finals, likely in a city that will gain a team for season 2

posted about 7 years ago

On a side note- inner city derbies in places like Seoul, LA, Toronto, London and Moscow would be cool

posted about 7 years ago

reminder: OGN is a tv station and the Korean language broadcast was also on Afreeca which is similar in popularity to twitch over there. Twitch is only a portion of the total viewership although i would still expect it to be somewhat down on last season viewership. RunAway was a one of a kind story.

posted about 7 years ago

prolly like whenever there are sizable relevant topics to discuss

posted about 7 years ago

50/50 split western teams and korean teams :eyes:

posted about 7 years ago


2-2 equals draw equals 1 point in the group standings per team.

FNRGFE is 5 points back, if they dont maximize points in their next 2 fixtures Arc6 qualifies for playoffs

posted about 7 years ago

I M P O R T S O N S ** W A T C H ?

posted about 7 years ago

putting 3 of the best 5 teams in the tournament in a single group

OGN Super Babo In Jung

posted about 7 years ago

RL won't come around even if it does succeed as an esport.

posted about 7 years ago

NRG playing like they have senioritis :thinking:

also bo1s HYPERLUL

posted about 7 years ago

the only reason TSM cant afford it is probably because they aren't willing to sell equity.

they are to LoL what EG has turned into for Dota

posted about 7 years ago

We are looking at building 2 separate rosters, a Masters+ and a Diamond and below, if you're interested PM me here on overgg and i will send you a link to the team discord. tryouts are this weekend.

posted about 7 years ago

ToucanSquad, due to interest from both upper and lower level players may split into 2 rosters.
1 for Diamond and Below. (ToucanSquad.Prime)
Another for Masters and up. (ToucanSquad.Mighty)
The 2 rosters will share an analyst (sandshrewz) and a manager (myself) who will schedule the scrims.

The split will only occur if there is interest from enough high level players to do so.

We are also looking for people willing to record the vods of team(s).

posted about 7 years ago

bump for update

posted about 7 years ago

Hello everyone, josh89 here.

Summer is approaching and I am forming an amateur team for the summer and possibly beyond in order to improve as a player.
We will be aiming for a roster of 6 starters and up to 3 alternates.
Scrims will take place in 4 hour blocks 2 to 4 times a week.
we are not looking at SR for the time being however being above 2100 is preferred.
region is NA.
We are also looking for people who are willing to record vods.
drop your battletag here if interested. i will message you with a link to our team discord.

We have a full compliment of 6 players, but we are still searching. we would like to have some additional players in all roles that would be willing to tryout this weekend. at the end of this weekend, myself and our analyst will determine the best possible starting roster with an additional set of willing substitutes that will take part in scrims at least once a week.
in order to assist in this process we are also looking for someone to help record our scrims and take part in vod review.

posted about 7 years ago

Alternative Headline: Hammers Esports forgets Overwatch isn't played on iPads, uses realization as an excuse to get paid.

Hammers as an org more in line with the Vainglory scene (a 3v3 Dota-like played on mobile devices). Vainglory as an esport has built up Hammers and GankStars as pretty big brands from within the scene. TSM, Cloud9, Echo Fox, Immortals, NRG, Rogue, Misfits, Fnatic, G2, SK Gaming, Mousesports and Team Secret all have teams in the scene, with many of them making their signings over the past month.

posted about 8 years ago

LW Blue vs KD Uncia finals

posted about 8 years ago

No 2easy, people dont wanna sign western teams not because of a lack of OWL info, its because we all suck. NotLikeThis

posted about 8 years ago

all french roster
american flag by team name


In CSJoe people still put the native nationality flags by teams even if they live elsewhere. Why can't we do it in OW?

posted about 8 years ago

The on-paper worst western team at the tournament could easily get out of groups but the 2 other teams are struggling? Good heckin Seeding OGN, I wonder why you did it this way?

posted about 8 years ago

Chavs, LDLC, Riders, ex-TRox, Bench Boys, Great Danes etc.

posted about 8 years ago

auTSM EleGiggle

posted about 8 years ago

nokss is different player but also still french

posted about 8 years ago

16 teams and half are unsponsored.

europoors xD xD

posted about 8 years ago


(that org is supposed to be focused on Mobile Device gamers HYPERLUL)

posted about 8 years ago

Whoever replaces talespin will likely only be temporary, if EnVy joins OWL they'll probably get an NA ladder player or 2. Although only one of them will start

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

Pesca and neptuNo should have their proverbial phones ringing when the world cup is over.

posted about 8 years ago

Predicting 3-1 in favor of the Pinkies

posted about 8 years ago

-bird noises-?
Isn't that a TF2 team?


posted about 8 years ago

Is it just me or does anyone else think the world cup is going to lead to roster swaps due to discovered talent?

posted about 8 years ago

Clowns + Sombreros = NA eSports 4Head

posted about 8 years ago

team to become millenium?

posted about 8 years ago

Hi, I'm WZ89, but you can call me Josh
I am a young NA East tank player looking for a team to play with. I have been playing Overwatch for a little over a month now and I am looking at playing in a team. My previous gaming experience has been in Team Fortress 2 and Fistful of Frags. I can commit to scrim blocks 4 nights or more a week and usually have extended time on the weekends. I right now have classes at college 3 days a week until mid December.
my battletag is WeepZurkon#1609

posted about 8 years ago

nrg and rogue will choke
afreeca will win the tournament

posted about 8 years ago

i mean they have been showing up in Gosu NA cups on high ping but this is gonna be lan all the way through.
however LuxuryWatch Red and EHOME, 2 of the more well recognized korean teams from a western perspective failed to qualify so other than Afreeca Freecs i dont know for sure who will show up

posted about 8 years ago
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