Country: United States
Registered: August 15, 2017
Last post: April 28, 2019 at 7:33 PM
Posts: 67
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I think Chicago was basically confirmed although theu have to wait for next season because Blizzard doesn't want an odd number in the league. I heard Mosaic Esports are trying to get a spot in Phoenix but I heard that they have strict laws on this kind of Thing. Also, it is possible that Salt Lake City is still looking to cash in on OWL even after not negotiating a good deal with eUnited, they are looking for more deals and talented players like AKM (although only speculation due to his tweet). It is also possible that NY might get another OWL team just because LA has 2 teams too. It's always been like that in American sports (most of the time).

Now What Are 5 Cities That Should Be In OWL?


  1. Atlanta - This city is literally an Esports city itself and has a huge scene for video games in general
  2. Seattle - Another esport city that needs to be part of OWL itself
  3. Toronto - One Canadian team would be really great
  4. Las Vegas - Again, another esports city not taken advantage off.
  5. Austin, Texas - Yeah I know that will make it 3 Texas teams, but out of all the cities in Texas overall, Austin leads the Esports scene. So many opportunities for a league there.


  1. Tokyo - I really want Japan to be represented in OWL, but Idk how good they are considering what we saw in Team Japan and Libalent Supreme's performance in OPC. Not saying Team Japan is bad just point out the highlights. Also, I bet out of all the countries, Japan might be the hardest to invest due to PC gaming not being really big there.
  2. Busan - I think another Korean team is fine, this will make for some good rivalry
  3. Bangkok - One of the biggest Asian Esports teams in SEA is Thailand. Majority of the best SAE teams come from Thailand in OW.
  4. Singapore - Could be a really great hub for Esports
  5. Taiwan - Another great Esports scene with great players like Zonda and Baconjack


  1. Stockholm - EU's leading Esport city
  2. Cologne - One of the greater hubs for an EU OWL team
  3. Paris - France has a great Esports scene, there's great opportunity there.
  4. Helsinki - For the Finnish scene
  5. Madrid - This city would be great for building and developing players from Spain, Portugal, and maybe even France

Other Cities:

  1. Sao Paulo - Brazil is one of the biggest OW scenes countries out there
  2. Buenos Aires - Argentinans also lead the way for big OW scene countries like Brazil
  3. Sydney - Overwatch must have at least one Aussie team
  4. Dubai - At one point, UAE had an OW scene would be nice, however I think there were regulations and strict rules put out on esports.
  5. Johannesburg - idk I thought about and I don't think it is a bad idea.
posted about 7 years ago

Well known for playing for Team Germany on OWWC 2017, played for EnVyUs for sometime, and coached Team Liquid. We will miss you Dennis :(

Dennis “INTERNETHULK” Hawelka
Still no confirmation on how he passed away.

posted about 7 years ago

I was just thinking about this a while ago and I was curious if somehow if each OWL team will get some kind of gaming sponsor on a jersey (ex: Logitech, Razer, Corsair, etc) or is it going to be like traditional American sports where you have no sponsors on it at all?

posted about 7 years ago

Ana has to comeback I think these changes on Mercy is what is necessary, after all, if a game forces you to have a Mercy to guarantee a chance in winning as opposed to a team without one. That is a gameplay problem because it is forcing one person to go a hero when you have other supports, Blizzard didn't want this, but I am sure the Mercy mains were the one who don't want this change. For once, I am happy that Blizzard is taking suggestions against Mercy meta and bringing back Ana (hopefully) so that somehow all healers have a consistent pickrate and win percentage. After all the game cannot revolve around heroes, but rather revolve around a team's composition or role in a game. That is what Blizzard wants.

posted about 7 years ago

Names like NY Excelsior, Miami-Orlando Mayhem, LA Gladiators, and London Spitfires could actually be true in some sense. Rumor aside, I like the logo to be honest, the tiger logo is really cool looking.

posted about 7 years ago

Best Mixed Team NA:
Hitscan - Mykl
Projectile - Mykl
Main Tank - Mykl
Off Tank - Mykl
Support - Mykl
Flex - Mykl

Overall this team could be the 2nd best in the world.

posted about 7 years ago

Like the logo it is like a reminisce of American league style sports. Kraft keeping the American tradition lol.

posted about 7 years ago

I have predicted the teams that will move onto Apex with the exception of KNC Vmax. Hope these future teams will have the chance to be well known.

posted about 7 years ago

My boys Element Mystic and Seven! Been rooting for both of them since they first appeared. Congrats to all teams that have made it into Apex

posted about 7 years ago

What is happening right now? Element Mystic has just been dominating!

posted about 7 years ago

I don't know why, but Element Mystic has really been in their element lately. EM has to win this for sure. This team, LH-2, and Seven were the team I was looking at in Challengers Season 5, hopefully my wish is granted. I want to see this team in APEX.

posted about 7 years ago

Not gonna lie I actually like both of the team's logos. I will be rooting for both of them, I really wish OPC could expand the number of teams playing. Would be a good watch to see new teams rising.

posted about 7 years ago

So C9 EU and C9 KR? C9 NA :candle: feelsbadman.

posted about 7 years ago

CLAIRE & ta1yo PogChamps!

posted about 7 years ago

Simple, just list your top 5 wishlist cities. Here are my 5.

1.) Seattle, WA - This city in particular is one of the major cities of e-sports gaming and is very popular. It is also one of the biggest cities of e-sports outside of California so other than just 3 CA teams for the far West, maybe Seattle could be a good spot? I think FaZe Clan is reasonable for having that spot if it were to happen, but I have a feeling that 2nd LA spot was made for FaZe itself.

2.) Colonge, Germany - Outside the US, Colonge is no doubt one of the biggest EU e-sports cities, also OW is in dire need of another EU team. Investing in this city for a spot is a great idea, after all it is one of the largest platforms of e-sports in general, meaning there is an audience. I would say any EU team could actually buy the spot itself if they have the money. Possibly a return to Fnatic? Maybe.

3.) Singapore - I like the idea of Singapore because this is where the best of SE Asians teams/players can shine, Singapore is also a tech based city so the potential is there for an investment. I don't see a problem with this because SE Asia is actually on the rise when it comes to OW e-sports.

4.) Sydney - I also don't see a problem with this city or country except for one thing, travelling other than that it is fine. I'm surprised no one has invested in a team in AUS because there is a scene in there for sure. The teams that could be bought from an organization could mostly likely be Blank Esports, a maybe would be Flash Wolves, and a least likely would be Ardeont.

5.) Some city in Brasil - Brazil has a large significant e-sports scene, only if SA expanded into NA minor or major tournaments in OW, I can assure you that they can pick up on some ideas on how to become a challenger. However, there are people willing to see this, but funds might not be enough for an e-sports multi million corporation for OWL, I don't see it just the way OWL is working. If it were to happen, I would say Brasil Gaming House or KARMA (aka Team Argentina) could settle for a team.

Tokyo, Japan - My only dream is to see Japan as a spot for OWL, I want to see Japan as a competitor for SK and China. I feel like the only problem is that, there isn't really a lot of support of OW in Japan itself. Possibly Team Japan and JCG Master (Japanese Tournaments I believe happens at least 2 events a month? Not sure about that tbh) could spark a new scene of e-Sports in the country?

posted about 7 years ago

Immortals may have the better players, but EnVision looked better as a whole team which is what Western teams need such as EnVyUs.

posted about 7 years ago
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