Country: Norway
Registered: March 28, 2017
Last post: September 30, 2018 at 7:46 AM
Posts: 209
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this meta has been really good to Fuel

posted about 6 years ago

wow, Outlaws really is Londons weakness, If only I'd managed to stay awake until this match.

posted about 6 years ago

Edit: Comment no longer relevant after stage 4 news

posted about 6 years ago

Shanghai definitely look stronger than Fuel at the moment though

posted about 6 years ago

Hopefully Norway and Brazil can give US and Canada a good fight, maybe even a upset :P

Hope sweden does something completely new with people like Ellivote and Snillo instead of relying on Mayhem.

and hopefully danmark and Finland don't choke this year and shows everyone the monsters they are.

posted about 6 years ago

Hoping 3-2 for HOU
Thinking 3-1 GLA

posted about 6 years ago

Why isn't it set up so that EM and RunA can meet in the finale?

posted about 6 years ago

3-2 HOU, though Outlaws it's my fav team, I have to be realistic.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago


EDIT: forgot the most important one, fricking Emongg, his Dva is so perfectly team oriented, makes no sense he isn't in at least Contenders

posted about 6 years ago

why are people calling this Pedophilia? what he did is sick, and he should be prosecuted and punished for it, but calling it pedophilia is very diminishing to juveniles/ pre-pubescent children actually abused by very mentally sick people.

posted about 6 years ago

just Life ban him and let the police deal with it from there, this is beyond OWL drama

on a slightly less serious note, LiNkzr is his Girlfriend? :P

posted about 6 years ago

so there was a reason for them wanting to trade him so badly, wonder if Envy was the problem, or if it was he that wanted to get away from something

posted about 6 years ago

if these are true, I'm curious why they want to trade away Envy so badly.

posted about 6 years ago

TracK - DPS
Onigod - Flex
Magician - DPS
Decod - Tank
Badger - Support
IPN - Support

SharP - DPS
Snillo - DPS
LullSISH - Tank
Ellivote - Flex
Bock1 - Support
Epzz - Support
Coach: TviQ/Mendo

Dafran vs the world

Silkthread - DPS
Dreamkazper - DPS
Rawkus - Support
Goliath - Support
Super - Flex
Muma - Tank
Coach: Seagull

Carpe - DPS
Fissure - Tank
Jjonak - Support
AMY - Support

LiNkzr - DPS
Tseini/Davin - DPS
Zappis - Flex
lhcloudy - Tank
Shaz - Support
Biggoose - Support
Coach: Taimou

posted about 7 years ago

everything but 2cp was really close

posted about 7 years ago

the Mei buff is really good if you think about it, wont this let her freeze several targets at the same time?

posted about 7 years ago

the Oslo Einherjars, Copenhagen Vikings and change Stockholm to Stockholm Syndrome.
The Paris Saboteurs

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

I'm getting in now, EU.

posted about 7 years ago

seems asia still got servers, EVERYTHING else seems to be down.

posted about 7 years ago

Isn't he like 14? maybe someone like Onigod or Mistakes...or mendokusaii...

posted about 7 years ago

what the hell was that last Kings Row defence? They were pretty much helping them snowball, they only needed one good fight....

And come on Jake, even a pleb like me predicted that sleep

posted about 7 years ago

I wonder if it's in clockworks contract that they have to let him play....

posted about 7 years ago

hate to admit it, but don't think Outlaws got this, I do think it will be very close every match though

3-1 sounds very likely

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Fusion has looked more consistant in stage 2, but Outlaws is looking real strong right now and they're on a roll, also they probably want revenge for the "unwarranted" loss in stage 1.

3-1 Outlaws, losing 2 CP

posted about 7 years ago

LiNkzr and Muma does SO much work, love it

posted about 7 years ago

Personally I really want to see mendo play, his tracer is really good.

posted about 7 years ago

isn't Space also underager?

And why do all these underage players have birthday in March?

posted about 7 years ago

crushed by emotions after their win?

posted about 7 years ago

but why do you have to watch it live? Shouldn't be hard to make watching VODs unabusable. All the matches are SO LATE for me, and I don't want to leave my PC running through the night.

posted about 7 years ago

I feel I've seen this pun already

posted about 7 years ago

I think all the teams are great, and the price money and medals should all be split evenly after the tournaments, also we should stop keeping score.

posted about 7 years ago

I think both TBD and TBD are extremely overrated, many of their players aren't in OWL for a reason, now TBD however is a team with some real potential, just you guys wait.

posted about 7 years ago

FCTFCTN is good and all, but haven't seen to much of him, what can he do that Muma can't do better? (serious question not flamebait)

posted about 7 years ago

you forgot Dafran to Mayhem :P

posted about 7 years ago

what did it say? was it toxic?

posted about 7 years ago

a team with no Koreans at the number 2 spot, that's really cool

posted about 7 years ago

why though? the Junkrat nerf was minimal, and will make no difference (also Jakes pharah and tracer is far from bad), and they might go with mendo in stage 2 who might have the best Tracer on Outlaws(him or Linkzr) also Uprising is relying far more on mercy resses than Outlaws, so isn't it they that'll go in the shitters in stage 2?

posted about 7 years ago

isn't it the other way around? The Sign is in response to Muma always being Symm in spawn but never actually playing her

posted about 7 years ago

Linkzr might be the most underrated McCree in OWL, and that says a lot

posted about 7 years ago

But then Boston would have 28 map wins and Valiant 26... I'm confused, Ex Dee

posted about 7 years ago

Lol so for Valiant to stay in top 3, Boston need to win control, and draw 3 maps? find that unlikely

posted about 7 years ago

Fuel seem to have almost perfected the art of defending.

posted about 7 years ago

ofc, I'd love to be wrong

posted about 7 years ago

I think LiNkzr will be the difference maker here, 3-1 Outlaws

posted about 7 years ago

Dynasty has been looking very shaky, but still think it will end in 4-0 Seoul, maybe 3-1.

posted about 7 years ago

How does all-star games work? the most popular players form teams?

posted about 7 years ago

could be a very interesting match if Fuel got their shit together, which they have shown they can at times, but afraid it will most likely be a 4-0 Glads

posted about 7 years ago
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