Country: Chile
Registered: June 23, 2016
Last post: April 2, 2018 at 11:13 PM
Posts: 201
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id rather we get the newer casters when the game is new. as the game grows theyre going to need more people to do this job, and the number of people who can actually do it is limited.

posted about 8 years ago

but what IS a dogman

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

is rob420 the guy from tf2 with the doom guy avatar or is it a non tf2 player

posted about 8 years ago

what is it with basketball and esports?

posted about 8 years ago

dont need a support, but as of yesterday we do need a rein

posted about 8 years ago

LMAO get over yourself

posted about 8 years ago

it seems like putting clock on soldier would be an easy fix to all of this.

posted about 8 years ago

thank mr sideshow

posted about 8 years ago

sorry i got that, i guess i was just surprised that the results were so different 24 hours apart. i didnt see either game so idk how close they were

posted about 8 years ago

so what now? did the tourney get cancelled?


posted about 8 years ago

Dear esports gods please let this tourney be good and fun
Love, Me

posted about 8 years ago

Of course you would say that...

posted about 8 years ago

im not convinced that the first two posts arent skytrixshas alts

posted about 8 years ago

I think you're underestimating how much easier it is to make comms in your native language. I think it'll be a small hit for now, but in the long term they'll be much better for it.

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

is she still a support though

posted about 8 years ago

that was very good pankey! you looked real swole! could you put a picture of you flexing into the video next time as well?

posted about 8 years ago

Inside Story REVEALED

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

sombra has HACKED(!!!) the itinerary!!!

posted about 8 years ago

page 4

posted about 8 years ago

I just like watching enigmas tracer

posted about 8 years ago

its a good play but I hope making individual threads for plays doesn't become the norm

posted about 8 years ago

his 6th time winning, how long will the streak go?

posted about 8 years ago

This change means that hooked targets will be less likely to slide along walls, potentially ending up in an odd place after they've been reeled in.

I got pulled around so many corners last night

posted about 8 years ago

maybe that team is the only popular group of players

posted about 8 years ago

Oh my comment was for the thread, not as a response to you. You were definitely right

posted about 8 years ago

Pyxelize isn't a bad guy, and he's actually pretty good at clicking on people, but his tf2 exp consists of around thirty teams that never lived for more than a few weeks. That being said as long as he's not leading the team then he's at least worth looking at. There's definitely worse people lft right now.

posted about 8 years ago

Alright just curious, good luck man :)

posted about 8 years ago

Not interested in a team that is going to scrim/pracc under 6hours daily.

do teams actually do this?

posted about 8 years ago

Hi over.gg, my name is CLMP (pronounced clamp), formerly known as THE BILLDOZER. I am looking to play DPS or potentially flex for an overwatch team. My best classes are Reaper/McCree/Pharah in that order, and i like to think that i am pretty good at clicking on people.
My previous Comp experience includes several seasons of ESEA-Open TF2 up to playoffs, as well as half a season of ESEA-IM.
In the past i have had attitude issues and those combined with bad performance got me mutinied from my last team. It was my fault and I'm not going to act like it didnt happen. However I am trying to be more calm in games and recognize when things happen that are my fault or that I cant control.
ALSO, i had a habit in the past of shitposting. I know this actually doesnt bear relevance to a team but you know i stopped doing that too.
So yeah, ive had my problems but im working to fix them and i am confident that i am good at clicking. Try me out.

edit oh yeah CLMP#1605 LMAO

posted about 8 years ago

i deleted 270 friends a few months ago and another 40 after uninstalling tf2
we never really talked outside of you saying my name in all caps and making steam groups about me
we can play some OW if you want though

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago

im a little curious to know the thought process for a pro quake player to alias as id
in any case im excite

posted about 8 years ago

at first i thought the phrase "win moments" was stupid or a bad translation or something but it really is win moments so props on beating my expectations.
be careful using electro or anything with a definite drop though. the first 4 plays felt like it was building up to whatever play the drop would be at but it wasnt synced up with anything so i felt a little blue balled.

posted about 8 years ago

yeah its only a nerf in the context of dumb quickplay stacks. this may mean more pharahs

posted about 8 years ago

does it say how long her ult lasts on a player? dropping it on a reaper ult immediately comes to mind but obviously other ults would be great

posted about 8 years ago

rhy is a great person

posted about 8 years ago

we are SR avg 3.3k
add me at THEBILLDOZER#11698

DPS: Aimanfire
TANK: hopefully you
Support: SkittlesBT
Support: blinKX10

posted about 8 years ago

I added this guy, but I'm also looking to start scrimming teams so i am going to bump this thread. We havent really scrimmed before but we all have anywhere between minor to moderate TF2 experience so i will tentatively put us at a mid level. my tag is CLMP#1605 and we would love to start tonight.

posted about 8 years ago

miggy always did good stuff when he was helping in the tf2 community, i dont see why he wouldnt do a good job with overwatcgh as well

posted about 8 years ago

Hello there friend! And welcome to over.gg! Since it is your first time posting here, i can tell you are somewhat lost. Proper etiquette states that videos that are short, or poorly formatted should not get their own thread, something that you did 3 times. In the future, i would suggest you post your videos to our frag clips thread, found here:

posted about 8 years ago

The FaZe Clan roster is:

Sabian "CLAMP" Hayblum (DPS)


posted about 8 years ago
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