Rooky [#2]Huge pickup for Seoul KoX is the only support as good as JJonak or Ryujehong
and he's also a good shotcaller.
He can play Lucio and Mercy, too
Nice move for Seoul, hopefully this ensures we'll never see Gido on support again.
On a side note, anyone else disappointed by the trade/transfer deadline? I thought considering the amount of drama, tension and unrest with certain orgs, there would be more player turnover but apparently I was getting ahead of myself.
twerp [#5]finally twitch chat gets to hear casters say "cocks" again
dedC [#6]
"Dirty Meerkat Uncle Nox"
I think thats pretty appropriate
soaringworld [#9]Wait don't they already have a full roster with Gambler's addition?
Bunny went to Valiant
twerp [#5]finally twitch chat gets to hear casters say "cocks" again
If I can say KoX KappaPride again then all is well
dedC [#6]
i'm the very first LUL in that clip FeelsGoodMan