[NA] Oink! lf subs & coach

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Hello my team "oink oink HERE COMES BOINK!" is looking for potential coach, and sub candidates. Boink is going to be away for a week (during Gosu Weekly #14 & #15, and possibly the first phase of the $100,000 ESL qualifiers), so we need either a DPS/Off-tank flex (Mcree, 76, Zarya, Roadhog, Wintson) or Mercy as a sub/stand-in for the time in which he is gone and beyond.

Our goal as a team is to rise, and consistently compete at the upper echelons of the Competitive Overwatch scene.

We ask that you have had previous experience in higher level Overwatch scrims/tournaments or relevant FPS experience along with strong attitudes, mechanics, clear, and concise communication/listening skills before applying.

We made it to RO8 in our first Gosu weekly, and are looking to improve at a rapid and consistent pace.
Our players have previous competitive FPS background in Invite level/Plat High-lander TF2, and Dirty bomb.

Our current roster:
Stinklesnapz - DPS/Flex
Boink - DPS/Off-tank Flex
Kapoww - Hitscan DPS
indy - Tank
DaftKid - Offensive Support
sash - Support Main (Mercy)
Coach - You!
Subs - You!

Here's our team page: http://www.gosugamers.net/overwatch/teams/16674-oink-oink-here-comes-boink

Add me for further conversation if you think you can fulfill these roles for our team! Feel free to post below as well.
sash#1700 on bnet




I did some scrimmages on Overwatch console until I switched to PC. I've also played some other console FPS competitively. I can play DPS/Tank/Support pretty effectively and I would be down to sub. I understand where you guys are and where you'd like to be so I'm ready to put in the time and effort to catch up. If you'd like to talk more go ahead and add me.

Also, love the team name c:


Hey, I'd be really down to Coach and (maybe) sub, depending.

Previous experience: Managed (and played Pyro for) a top-Plat team (with Boink and Kapoww!) for many (5 I think?) seasons. Always made team atmosphere/morale my top priority, and definitely assumed something of a "coach" role, even if that wasn't my official title. Also did scheduling for scrims and stuff.

Basically, I'm an extremely competitive gamer without the time to dedicate to a team full-time. However, I have a very hard time playing video games purely casually (my favorite aspect of videojuegos is progression, especially as a team). Not having a group of players to improve with makes me antsy, so I've been in a bind until I realized coaching was a thing.

My only real schedule constraints for the next month are my night classes (Tues/Thurs from 5-9:30 PST), so I'd have PLENTY of time to dedicate. I might not be able to make every scrim to watch from a 3rd person POV, but if a VOD is recorded I can easily watch it on my own time and come up with comments at team meetings.

Oh, and here's a thread from when I was LFT as a Pocket a while ago, with some testimonials: http://www.teamfortress.tv/14947/pocket-lft-open

I'm Cygnus#1482 on BNet, and here is my Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cygnasty

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