[NA] Support/Tank LFT


Looking for a fairly serious team to break into OW with (4+ nights a week, tourney participation, etc).

I'm transitioning from TF2 (3 years/8k+ hrs), where I mained medic and competed in ESEA-IM and UGC Plat (HL). Heal/shield positioning are second nature to me - I mainly want a dedicated team to grind out strats and learn the intricacies of the game.

I play supports/tanks (Mercy, Lucio, Reinhardt, Winston). I consider myself better at main supports/tanks, but I'm willing to practice and flex within roles as my team needs.

I'm available every night from 7-12pm EST.

Or steam if you prefer: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrakeTAO/

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