Zunba's Zarya

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I've always struggled with how people praise his Zarya as one of the best, I've never seen anything mind-blowing from him outside of the window play on Eichenwalde in the World Cup last year.
I've always viewed him as a good pro Zarya, but nothing really higher. I'd like to be convinced on what he's doing that's so much better than everybody else but no one ever wants to have an actual discussion they just say "Name 10 better Zarya's than him"
Can someone please enlighten me?


When he played on conbox t6 his zarya play really stood out plus the thing that really makes a zarya good is when they work well with a team which he has throughout his whole career.


Well a zarya player is never truly going to have that many flashy plays besides gravitons, but the reason his zarya is highly regarded as top tier is his bubble management and his tracking. He's almost always at 70-100 energy and he's extremely good at tracking down the hard to hit flankers such as genji and tracer.


I thought the eichenwalde play was a great team play. I've always found Zunba to be extremely overrated, and I think there are many Zarya players more talented than him (Hoon, Rascal, SPREE, and more)


Hoon was always given massive resources by his team though so I think that's an unfair comparison, though he's obviously sick. They built the whole team around him.

There are lots of good zaryas though, or at least used to be. Kryw and poko were both very good too. Miro played some v good games on it.

Back then people would spam constantly as well and feed charge, plus the bubbles have been nerfed. Hard to tell between then and now but Zunba was just consistently good at getting charge/damage/blocks with his timing, aim, and positioning.

bweesh [#1]

I've always struggled with how people praise his Zarya as one of the best, I've never seen anything mind-blowing from him outside of the window play on Eichenwalde in the World Cup last year.
I've always viewed him as a good pro Zarya, but nothing really higher. I'd like to be convinced on what he's doing that's so much better than everybody else but no one ever wants to have an actual discussion they just say "Name 10 better Zarya's than him"
Can someone please enlighten me?

Fun fact: Cocco has said on his stream that he was doing the Eichenwalde window play against Koreans in scrims long before the World Cup and that since Zunba got all the credit, he was very salty about it.


Spree is far and away the best zarya in the world. Dude is nuts.

bweesh [#1]

I've always struggled with how people praise his Zarya as one of the best, I've never seen anything mind-blowing from him outside of the window play on Eichenwalde in the World Cup last year.
I've always viewed him as a good pro Zarya, but nothing really higher. I'd like to be convinced on what he's doing that's so much better than everybody else but no one ever wants to have an actual discussion they just say "Name 10 better Zarya's than him"
Can someone please enlighten me?

His play style isn't the most flashy, and yes you can name some other Zarya's that might just look better, but one word come to mind when I think of his Zarya play: Consistency

He consistently put out high levels of play like keeping his Genji free of CC and creating space for him. Look no further than how often Ryujehong was able to shut opponents down while their own DPS we able to be more effective.

In my mind at least he's one of the top 5 Zarya players and if LH had put as much into him as Hoon got from his team I have no doubt that he would have been just as flashy.


Thank you all, I'll go ahead and watch some VODs and keep all this in mind.


Zunba is the best zarya in the game. flashy in competitive(like spree) doesn't mean they are better than him. He is the most consistent player in all of LH, lets give an example, In kings row and gibraltar of apex s2 lunatic hai vs lw blue, ryujehong was credited for surviving zarya and roadhog(krow) and later tracer(gibraltar) but if you look again, you will see that perfect bubble placements from zunba that saves ryu both times. thats his job, saving the supports. Doesnt mean ryu isnt a god himself tho.

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