LFT DPS / Support (For teams that are starting)


Hey guys what's up...
I play games semi-competitively, and would like to get into the overwatch competitive scene.

I played CS:GO and TF2 for a bit and now transferring.
I am Global Elite in CS:GO and was on an open team in ESEA.
Played strictly Medic in TF2.

I have experience as a Medic, so playing Mercy / Lucio isn't difficult for me at all and I do enjoy playing it.
However, ever since playing CS:GO and all the aim/reflex improvements and nice hitscan, I'm really confident in playing DPS as well. I main McCree but that can change to Mercy. I can hit shots accurately from far range consistently so my McCree play excels mid-range and close-range.

I'm sort of new to Overwatch but I have a good idea on how to play the game and counter other teams really well from watching all these competitive matches. Will still take a little more time to get extremely good.

I know I'm not going to get on a well known team instantly, so I want to join a team that is starting as well
Add me if interested ... BattleNet ID: Hero #14287

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