Ex TF2 ESEA-Invite
Looking to play as DPS with some support experience, but mostly preferring to play DPS
I'm best at McCree, Junkrat, Soldier 76, in no particular order
My schedule is from 7:30-2am EST Friday-Tuesday with no real restrictions on Thursdays and Fridays.
Add me on Steam @ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001422762/
Bnet @ ghos7ayama#1457
Have experience at the top level of multiple games (TF2, FFXIV) and I am more than capable of putting in the work required to reach the top level of OW. No previous OW comp experience but I am confident in my play and my ability to excel at this game.
Add me or post here with any questions or if youre interested in playing with me.