Hey all, so I'm a pretty competitive player when it comes to games. I have mainly a background in ARTS games as far as competitive experience, but I really want to jump into this game at a serious level as I'm loving playing right now. I'm looking for more serious players to just play pubs with, or maybe even form a semi-serious team.
As far as what heroes I enjoy playing, Reaper is easily my favorite, and I feel like I'm one of the better players who play him currently. I tend to almost always get first place in both eliminations and final hits as him, and usually in the top 3 for objective score if we're on attack. Other heroes I enjoy playing are, Hanzo, Reinheart, Lucio, and Winston.
Anyway feel free to add me if you're looking for a player for your team, or just want to group up with some more serious players. My battle Tag is Vanix#1186